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ACA Caravan Trip to Roper Mountain +
Leave: Apr.13, Fri. - Return: Apr.15, Sun.

April 13, Fri. 1:30PM
Meet at Subway, I-20 & Hwy 19. Leave at 2:00PM.

Motel Check-in
We will stay at nearby Days Inn.
Days Inn, 60 Roper Mountain Rd., Greenville, SC 29607, 1-864-297-9996.
Two full beds: One rm: $50+5tx. More than 2 adults, add $3 each. Age 17 & under: free with parent.
Confirm ahead: on your own, for your group.
Pay each room with individual credit card on arrival. Continental breakfast.

Supper together - TBA

April 13, Fri.6-10PM
RM Science Center Clark / Former US Naval Observatory 23" Refractor
7:00PM: Private showing for ACA with resident astronomer.
7:30PM: open to the public and for us to view through.

April 14, Sat.9-1
RM Science Center (62 acres) Open House
Entry fee ~$4-5. Lunch available there.
12:30 Noon: Meet at entrance/Parking lot,
12:40PM: Leave for Clemson U. Planetarium.

April 14, Sat. 1-5PM (1:30 start)
Clemson University Planetarium
has invited our ACA for a show and tour of its workings.
CAAA have accepted our invitation to join us for this.

Rain- come on home. Otherwise:

April 14, Sat.6PM - Sun. morn
Clemson Area Amateur Astronomers (CAAA)
have invited us to a picnic supper with them at their Star Gaze site.
They will lead the way.

Clemson Area Amateur Astronomers (CAAA)
have invited us to star gaze with them / camp overnight at Wallhalla, SC ,
"a very handy location for most of our club, which is private property belonging to friends of the club.
Although not our darkest location, it does have an available out building with some plumbed facilities
which we think will best accommodate your group’s “camping” requirements and potential weather refuse.

April 15 Sun. morning Brunch or picnic breakfast
Drive Home

You will need:
Plenty of cash for gas, meals, entrance ticket, other
Sunhat, Layered clothing, toothbrush, etc.
Sleep bag or bedroll, Air mattress if desired
Binoculars, telescope, as available.

Everything has come together for an astronomical weekend opportunity!
Please RSVP: confirm/send regrets by Email now!

Please include:
Your name, phone number
Names of people driving with you.
Names of people rooming with you at Day's Inn.
Who will pay room charges?
Do you have/need sleep bag, bedroll, blankets, air mattress?
Do you have/need: tent space, other?
What observing equipment will you bring?

Email: Comments