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The Astronomy Club of Augusta held its March  2nd meeting at RPSC. Attendance  totaled 9.

Everyone except Jay was disappointed in the turn out.


Our President opened the meeting at 7:15.  Stan set up the TeleVue Refractor and the 8" Meade Reflector. John White gave us a telescope primer on various parts from essential 3-legged base to collimation. Everyone seemed to learn something new.

Club business:   The club received a Certificate of Appreciation from NASA for our public observing activities in 2011, including the Challenge for Astronomy Night in the spring and SEED in October. They were impressed with Stan's video of our efforts.

Tedda showed us the ASU posters for our proposed collaboration with ASU for an Astronomy Night on Mar. 3.  We discussed the facebook page given, and finally found it, so we could check for a cancellation due to rain. 

ASU is also sponsoring a program with Astronaut Kathryn Thornton on Mar.8, 7PM at Maxwell Theater, ASU.

The President reminded us that we can sign up for

At this time in human history when so much has been accomplished in space which might inspire the young, we are having to discuss losing youthful interest, the graying of astronomy members, and how we might inspire new interest. 

Kenneth got a copy of the GA & SC school Standards, and we now are in the process of getting a list of local teachers.  We hope to inspire them.  We were pleased that the Aiken County Public Schools is now willing to notify science teachers of our meetings, but were disappointed that not a single teacher, student or parent showed up tonight. 


Several months ago the Club requested that we arrange a trip to Roper Mountain.  With Michelle and Pat's help, we made the arrangements and now have been offered great opportunities at that that end.  Roper Mountain has set up a private showing of the 23" Refractor for us, Clemson Planetarium has set up a private show and tour for us, and Clemson Area Amateur Astronomers have invited us to be their guests for picnic supper at their private observing site, in addition to other planned activities for the weekend of April 13-15.  Now we seem to be in the position of trying to increase interest and participation.  It will be disappointing and embarrassing if we, the host club, put in a poor showing.  We would appreciate your emailing the information requested on the Calendar of Events page, so that we can get a larger count of participants.  At this time, only Stan, Tedda and Kenneth have signed up and provided the information requested.  Michelle signed up, but we need her information.  Cassel and family are interested and we look forward to their information.   Please consider joining this great trip opportunity, and let Tedda know ASAP.  We will reserve motel rooms and notify our hosts on March 17.  


We are sorry to learn that one of our newest members <Lalit> has some serious medical problems.  We hope the doctors can do something about it.


Jay Dunn gave an entertaining and informative lecture on The Interstellar Medium. His slides and HR diagrams were helpful in explaining the small amount and types of matter out there. We had an interesting discussion afterwards with refreshments. Jay promised to return with a new topic in the future.

Thanks to Tedda for veggie snacks, cookies and sodas. The weather was already turning bad with possible tornadoes, so we packed up and left.


Respectfully submitted,

Kenneth Beard






The Astronomy Club of Augusta held its March 17th Star Gaze Observing at 7PM at Nine Mile Range. Attendance totaled 13.


Due to the weather forecast there was some uncertainty as to whether we should meet, but our President  expressed  reluctance to cancel.  It seems in retrospect a wise decision for those of us who did show up.  There was a brief thunderstorm for early arrivals, so we watched Mark's short DVD of the BBC program Night Sky, Host Sir Moore.  I especially wanted to see the featured guest Sir Arthur Clarke.  The rain knocked some of the dust and pollen out of the sky, and we looked for bright and fuzzy objects through / not hidden by the clouds. 

So something good is always going on at Rancho 9 Mile.  Gary and Sheri soon joined us after a look at the 32 three week old kids jumping everywhere, and we talked about lunar observing beginning next week.  We snacked on pistachio cake, chips and dip and enjoyed the feast of ideas on the program.  Lalit, Vinay and our own Gemini twins the Pabla’s called and wanted to bring some friends. We said sure, come on over! And the really know their Messier objects.


When we began observing, reddish Mars was easy to see in the East.  We spotted Polaris in the North, and the Big Dipper came out nicely later.  The West though was our richest  field for discovery.  Jupiter and Venus were in close proximity of each other. We saw Perseus  and Algol, head of Medusa;  the Pleiades, M36, M38, M37 in Auriga, Castor and Pollux, M35, M44, Leo.  I stumbled trying to name the stars of the Winter Hexagon, but Tedda helped me out, and Mark gave it a new name, the Heavenly G, and used a laser pointer to illustrate its shape.


We were having so much fun, we hope we didn’t keep anyone up too late, but we did leave late.


We all wish Lalit well on his upcoming medical procedure.


Respectfully submitted,

Kenneth Beard





The Astronomy Club of Augusta held its March 30 meeting at 7PM at RPSC. Attendance  totaled 13.


President Tedda Howard welcomed members and guests to our meeting  shortly after 7PM.  John White was called upon to ask us three questions about telescopes.  He quickly entered into the spirit of the challenge,  and refreshed our memories about details of collimation.  Stan, Mark, Kolbe, and Gary won prizes.   Kenneth  was up next with a short talk about Saturn. He presented the deepening knowledge of Saturn in chronological order, from what the Ancients saw  naked-eye, Early Modern saw through the telescope,  and what our generation has discovered via spacecraft  flybys.  Mark Moffatt had a stellar dust cloud of upcoming exciting events:  Venus taking tea with the ladies of the Pleiades, Saturn  in opposition to the sun, meteor showers, the religious Virgo, Lepus the Hare below Orion, before dawn events, essay prizes offered by Templeton, Hubble hidden treasures offered for data searching by NASA & ESA, and a challenge to try to observe clouds on Mars. Our third speaker was Stan Howard.  He alerted us to the probability that our government will take the $140 billion ISS and cut it up into pieces to be dumped into the atmosphere as a series of meteor like displays, unless some action is taken. Stan presented us with several better alternate possible uses. In particular it could be parked near the Moon or Mars for further research on the effects of space faring on earthlings.  Kenneth made a motion that our club write to our representatives to make our wishes known on the issue.  Michelle quickly seconded  the motion. The motion carried, and Kenneth agreed to bring the letter to our next meeting, so that we could all sign it.  Mark told us that this comes under the authority of Vice-President Biden, and we also decided to include all the potential Presidential candidates.  Gary Senn entertained us with models, diagrams, and computer programs for the Transit of Venus, ToV.  He told us that German scientists came to Aiken to do measurements at the last Transit, eight years ago, and subsequently sent us a plaque for our community effort.  Gary wanted to keep it at the RPSEC, but decided that it would spread science fame by having displayed at the Aiken County Museum.  The next transit will be 108 years from now. He invited us to share the ToV at the RPSEC Observatory on June 5th  at 6PM.

The President Reminded us of our upcoming trip to Roper Mt., and National Astronomy Night on April 28th  at RPSEC.  Since no one came to help prepare for NAN, we will bring our telescopes for viewing, use our poster materials from last year, the new NASA materials for prizes.


The President opened the discussion of our budget for next year 2012-13 with a review of last year's budget on the big screen, and listing some new items that members of the club have asked be purchased.  The Treasurer went over the club budget with us, explaining each item. 

After some input from Michelle and Kolbe, we agreed that we could get a club rubber stamp if the price does not exceed $25. Kolbe offered to email the web address where we can get brand materials.  Michelle also has resources to share.  John will get the information, the officers will decide on the stamp information.  We hope to have it in time to use on materials for National Astronomy Night on Apr. 28.

The Treasurer recommended the we get a laser collimator for the club for $50-65, rather than the $100 version, as the club doesn't have a Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope. Motion passed.

The President discussed the importance of membership, noting that many clubs have a VP Membership.  We decided that the President could appoint a Membership Chairman, without changing the by-laws.


John summarized the International Dark Sky Association (IDA) and its efforts to bring about more astronomy–friendly lighting policies around the planet.  Mark M. raised the question of whether we should continue to support and pay dues to the IDA, and is duly noted as opposing the IDA on private property principles. We took a vote:  2 abstentions, 1 opposed, and 8 for continuing with IDA membership. We will continue to support this worthy cause.  Our two guests did not vote.


Gary O. gave the Nominating Committee report.  Rather than presenting a recommended slate of officers, the committee reviewed the information they gathered when they contacted the membership.  Gary summarized the information from Virginia's and his list.  Mike's group information was no yet available.   They had not contacted anyone for the President or VP for Observing. Mark said he would do Observing but was happy when Stan agreed to continue with that position. Dave Dolin would like to be Secretary. Kenneth agreed to be VP Programs, and John would like to continue as Treasurer.  Tedda agreed to continue as President, looking forward to greater participation of the members.   Kenneth noted that we have a small club at 50 families, which means we have to share the duties necessary to keeping the club going. Michelle would like to be our ALCOR and assist the Treasurer next year.


Tedda noted that we have an interesting speaker for our May 4 meeting, and encouraged all members to attend so they could vote for 2012-13 leadership and discuss focus and activities of the club.  You may send an absentee ballot to Gary Osburn, using the form at the bottom of the Bylaws online.  Also, a draft Calendar of Events 2012-13 is listed at the bottom of the Fairly Complete Calendar of Events 2011-12 for your convenience. 


Many thanks to Gary and Sheri O. for our refreshments.

A cloudy night precluded lunar observing.

The President adjourned the meeting.


Respectfully submitted,

Kenneth Beard