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Astronomy Club of Augusta


Observing Questions and Answers

Fall 2011



1. Name 10 large Maria we can see on the near side of the Moon.
2. What is the line of light and dark on the Moon called? Why is it so useful?
3. Name the eight stars that form the Teapot in Constellation Sagittarius.

4. Name the heart of Scorpius. What color is it?
5. Name the stinging tail stars of Scorpius.

6. Name the recent SuperNova we observed after our last meeting.
7. Name the Galaxy it blotted out because it was so bright.
8. Name the Constellation it is in.
9. Describe how you would starhop to this Galaxy.
10. Can you still see the SuperNova? Why or why not?
11. What comet will be visible from September to Spring 2012?
12. Name 3 constellations Comet Garradd passes through?
13. Name the fun asterism that is 1/3 of the way from Altair to Vega.
















1. Mare Frigoris, M. Crisium, M. Serenitatis, M. Tranquilitatis, M. Fecunditatis, M. Nectaris, M. Nubium, M. Humorum, M. Imbrium, Oceanus Procellarum.,

2. The Terminator. Shadows are longest here, and show craters and surface features in best relief.

3. See the diagram of Sagittarius here.
4. Antares, red supergiant

5. Shaula, Lesath

6. Officially: SN2011fe, Type 1a Supernova.,,
7. M101, the Pinwheel Galaxy (21 million light-years away = relatively close!)
8. Ursa Major.
9. It forms an equilateral triangle with Mizar and Alkaid at the end of the handle of the Big Dipper.
10. Probably not. Supernovas remain so bright for only 2 weeks or so.
11. Comet Garradd (C/2009 P1),
12. Sagitta, Vulpecula, Hercules, Draco (See Stellarium)
13. The Coathanger asterism in Vulpecula