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ACA Astronomy Jeopardy        Questions and Answers      Jan. 21, 2011, 7PM at Fort Discovery    


Please EMAIL your Questions and Answers to Walt Kubilius for compilation. You are welcome

to include further details &/or web resources.  To add Q&As on other topics, use the back side.

Be sure to attend the December Club Dinner to get a few helpful clues! about other member questions.

Please rate your questions as B=Beginner 10pts, I=Intermediate 20pts, A=Advanced 30pts, C=Challenge 40pts.



The Moon

1q_I  How were lunar maria formed? 1a Large impacts fractured Moon's lithosphere, allowed lava to fill impact basins

2q B What are the dark spots on the moon called? 2a Mare or plural Maria ___







The Planets









Astronomical History









Space exploration

1q B What does SOHO stand for? 1a. Solar and Heliospheric Observatory,

2q ___________________________________________________________________________







Space Technology

1q I Where is Lagrangian Point 1 located? 2a. One million miles from Earth toward the Sun.





