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Hello! Welcome to my HoMePaGe!! My name is Joni...I am 16/f, and I am from this "LiL OlE CrAzY ToWn" called CaIrO, GA!

In my webpage I hope to let ya know a LiL MoRe bout me & "My WoRlD!"...

Since I am a CoMpLeTe "InTeRnEt-JuNkIe" this "lil-piece of da web" will CoNsTaNtLy be under "CoNsTrUcTiOn!"...

"cOnTeNtS oF Årçh Ångè£'s hOmEpAgE"

*A LiL bOuT Me*

*bOxErS Or bRiEfS!?!*

*PeOpLe I KnOw*

*~My DrEaM~*

*Pics Of Me*

*OtHeR pIcS*

*mOre PiCs*

*LoCaL LiNkS*

This is a page Dedicated to those who died in the Littleton, CO shooting..

If you have any QuEsTiOnS oR CoMmEnTs please email me!
