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I have a message to any of you
Who live in abuse and the things you go through.
If it has never happened to you in this way,
It's hard to understand what one goes through each day.

The truth, you try your best to hide.
There is no one to talk to, it's all held inside.
You feel so trapped and all alone.
Each day you cringe at that angry tone.

He accuses you of untrue things,
You feel you are unworthy, so to him you cling.
The thought of leaving is terrifying
So you live in constant fear, afraid of dying.

"Why did this happen? What did I do so wrong?
To be punished so severily, I know I need to be strong.
But when he shouts at me, the fear inside me shows.
I don't know what to do, or where I should go."

Your days on earth are numbered, there is something more for you.
Leave the abuse behind you, and start your life anew.
You may think you can't, but let me tell you friend.
If you can live in this abuse, you have courage to no end.

I know that it is scary, I have been there before.
But look to your angels, they will guide you through that door.
They are always with you, no matter what you do.
Once you take that first step, it will be easier for you.

The angels were there for me, to guide me along
Giving me the strength and courage to go on.
They will be there for you, too. They are, even on this day,
Watching over you, waiting to show you the way.

written by Brenda Hightower

Almost four million American women were physically abused by their husbands or boyfriends in the last year alone. People who have never lived in abuse don't understand why one puts up with it. The majority of women are afraid. They are afraid to stay and they are afraid to leave. Women who leave their abusive mates are at a 75 percent greater risk of being killed by the abusers than those who stay. Each day four women die in this country as a result of domestic violence. that is approximately 1,400 women a year. Life for the abused woman is a tangled web.

If you are one that is caught in this web, life has so much more to offer you. As I said in my poem, I am a victim of abuse. I want to say to anyone who makes excuses for their abusive spouses, this will get no better, only worse, unless counceling is obtained. If your spouse or boyfriend is not willing to seek help, then get out. There is help for you. If you have children, think of them. Children who have witnessed violence at home are five times more likely to commit or suffer violence when they become adults. There are lots of people in this world that care. I am one. Email me, I am there for anyone that needs to talk.

The light at the end of the tunnel is the
glow of an angel.