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*it all pours out*  

Copyright © 1997-1999. Astrid

~my dream~

as i lay in my bed tonight
i begin to think of you
a dream of laying side by side
it seems more than true
as i drift off into my sleep
i dream of days gone by
as i clench my pillow tight
i begin to softly sigh
as i toss and turn through the hours
i feel calm and at ease
as i realize i'm only dreaming
i beg you not to leave
as i wake up from my sleep
i have you on my mind
as i think more about you
i can't wait to dream again sometime

~Forgotten soldier~

He stood with his dog tag in hand
He was trying so hard to understand
A single tear drained from his eyes.
What was with his silent cries?
As he searched the long wall of endless names.
He began to cry harder, feeling ashamed.
His name couldn't be found, was it not there?
It has to be here but where?
He looked down at the ground.
He stood emotionless with no sound.
Alone he was standing, withered and gray
Another soldier, forgotten that day
All the battles he fought, physically and in his mind.
He searched frantically for his name one more time.
"I can't believe my name isn't there"
He spoke quietly while dazing a stare.
His family still mourns he's untimely death.
His spirit now lost, forever, he wept.
He stood there alone, debating the choices he made.
He fought for his country and wasn't afraid,
But as he stood there alone he fought his own war.
A soldier forgotten, forever more.

~So Many Ways~

There are so many ways I could show you I care.
So many feelings, with you I can share.
The only thing I know I can do,
Is show you how much I love you.
Love comes in many different ways.
Loving you makes me who I am today.
The love in return, makes it worthwhile.
The feeling we share often makes me smile.
There are many ways I can show you I care,
The only thing stopping me, is I am not there.
So until then, the only way I can prove it is true,
Is saying 3 small words, which are "I LOVE YOU".


Sorrow is all I have left,
Can you see this sadness in my eyes?
I smile, vividly and sweet,
Can you see through the pain and lies?
Tears that hesitate in drought,
Can you see where they once fell?
Scars nailed into my heart,
Can you see through this hell?
Torture beating my soul,
Can you see where I've been chained?
Bleeding out through my flesh,
Can you see my beauty remained?


Cry like the rain

Just promise you'll always love me

Cry like the rain

I'm standing beside you unseen

Tears, I know, they fall down.

Unhappy smiles I frown

Cry like the rain

Slowly falling down

Cry like the rain

I'm crying now

Why don't you care?

I wish I was there.

Cry like the rain

I ask why?

Cry like the rain

When all my days past by


Your tears keep falling down
Keep crying like the rain
Cry cry....keep crying
Relinquish in your pain..

I'll cry for you


Fade away..
It's all gone....
Nothing's left...
You're left alone...

Hide away your tears
No cares about you anymore
Nothing's ever gonna be ok
What are you here for?

You're all alone
It's all gone...

It's all fading away...
It's already gone...
Breathe it in....
You're left alone...

It's gone


i wish i could put into words
just what you mean to me
i want you here now
i want to make you see
all the nights we spend alone
will slowly fade away
all the days that last forever
will soon be "our" tommorows anyway
i don't want us to ever end
i want us to make it through
nothing seems to matter much
unless it deals with you
if only i could put into words
all the feelings that i feel
i could tell you how much i love you
and prove to you it's real

~Have you?~

Have you ever walked down an empty street?
To walk upon a child with bare feet?
Selfish reasons the child is out alone.
Father is drunk, mother is gone.
Often we find ourselves, walking on by.
Not noticing the tears, the child may cry.
Have you ever walked down a crowded street?
To walk upon a homeless man, give out and beat?
For uncontrollable reasons, he's there.
But we often don't stop, nor care.
He's cold, he's hungry, and fighting for life.
He's worried about his kids, and lost his wife.
So many things we could stop and do.
We keep on walking, me and you.
When will it stop? Or will it end?
Will we keep walking, over and over again?

~My Little Secret~

I'm trying hard to understand
I know I'm losing my control
I never thought I'd feel like this
Somehow you have touched my soul
I was empty from inside out
You came along and made me feel
I can't explain what it is I see
But you make it all seem real
Somewhere deep inside
I'm trying to figure out
What I'm going to do
It's you I've had to live without
I wish I could put it to words
How I feel when you're around
It's so hard to explain this to you
Something I'm feeling so deep down
Whenever I see your smile
Everything seems so worthwhile
When I look back into your eyes
I see a heart with no lies
I don't know what I'm suppose to do
It's a secret I can no longer keep
I'm falling so in love with you
It's a feeling drowning me deep
I want to be a part of you
Because when you're with me
I full more and more complete
I just wish you were able to see
I never thought I would love like this
Just to be right there with you
I want you to give all your love to me
This love I have for you is true
Somehow I am gonna make you see
I want to see you standing next to me

~A Dream~

Reaching out to you
the whole world stood still
Holding onto that moment
trying to make it seem real
It was like I could touch you
your voice seemed so near
I could even smell your skin
your breathing I could hear
Your body was so close
I could just reach and touch you
Nothing else interfered with us
That very moment it was true
slowly it came to mind
This has to be a dream
your figure slowly faded
A dream, or so it seemed


I was walking alone
Yes, I was by myself
No one cared to look at me
Everyone kept walking by
I was not sure if they noticed me
Or even if they cared too
I kept walking alone
Looking deep into each persons eyes
I wanted to see within their thoughts
No one was looking back
Was I so disgusting to look at?
Were my looks so bad?
Were my eyes to dark to keep a stare?
I didn't know what was wrong
I felt so forgotten and even more alone
I looked down at my hands
They were glowing brightly pale
I touched my face, my skin was cold
I began to scream
No one listened, or was it no one heard?
I saw a man standing alone
I walked to him and touched his hand
I spoke to him "Excuse me"
He didn't even respond
I began to cry tears that no one could see
It was beginning to get to me
What was so wrong with me?
I stopped in front of a window
An image of myself reflecting back softly
Thinking to myself, "I look so sickly."
I shook my head and proceeded to walk
Still screaming, still crying, still cold and pale
I found myself in the same place as the days before
Standing at the gates of an old cemetery
Something kept bringing me there
I walked to a new grave and looked down
There was no monument
I picked up a card from a wreathe and begin to cry
"Our love, our hope, our strength, you are always our child."
I felt myself getting colder by the seconds
I continued to read
"You're safe now, flying with angels..."
"Elizabeth, you are home, safe a free"
My eyes filled with tears
As I stood there alone
And realized it was me
