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Tylerfan's Story!

Steven Tyler and Tylerfan, Oct 3, 1998

This is Tylerfan's Story from meeting the man she has dreamed of meeting for a long time. She got this chance on Oct, 3rd, 1998. This is her story, about that week. :o) (This is how she wrote it for this page.)
WARNING - READING TYLERFAN's 5 DAY AERO TRIP MAY CAUSE EYE-STRAIN I have a lot to say.... Tee Hee Gee where do I start...? Oh yeah how about the beginning. It all started when I left Buffalo to meet Chesty. She met me at the airport with a pink neon sign. We drove down the North Carolina highway with Aero cranked, smiles on our faces, and laughing hystercally. We arrived in Raleigh an hour before Prollie was due to land. Where we unpacked a little and caught a lil buzz. We headed down to the airport. We waited anxiously for Prollie. I thought at first that we were not gonna recognize her, but sure enough there she was. Greeting us with a warm smile. We headed back to the hotel - touched up a tad and headed to the lobby for free cocktails. Time seemed to fly as we talked about all the times in chat - lots of LOAO (laughing our asses off) going on here. Shortly thereafter we headed out for dinner and then back to the room for more drinks and some relaxation. Prollie showed us the beautiful scarf she made Steven. (Pictures coming soon.) I mailed most of the supplies to Prollie and with that "magic touch" - it was truely beautiful. She did an awesome job. All three of us pulled out pictures and listened to each other tell stories about them. We learned a lot. We all relaxed in the jacuzzi. (no pics to follow, sorry - lol) The next day (the day of the Raleigh show) we had a big breakfast and off to see Aero we go. We anticipated to leave early in hopes to give Steven his scarf and the dreams of meeting Aero in our heads. We met IdreamofSteven and her friend at the hotel and off to Walnut Creek we go. We had a hard time trying to relax on the side of the entrance as secuirty was giving us a hard time with Ches's car. That poor girl must of moved it about 4 times. Finally they started to let the cars go in. We thought Aero had arrived already and we just pulled in the lot and gave up. We later found out that the boys weren't in until we were well into the stadium. With the scarf, our pink neon sign that read "Steven for President, Can we be you interns?" in big bold black letters, we proceeded to do some aero shopping. All of us bought t-shirts. We went in and sat down. I was kinda bummed at the seats that I got from AF1 - for some strange reason I thought I would of been closer. Ches was enjoying where we were but I think I was spoiled at my last show. Anyways - we talked to Prollie and Idream for awhile. We went up to Big Mike (Steven's security guard, and asked him if he could please give our scarf to Steven so he could use it for the show, didn't happen). The lights dimmend and the concert started. The show was awesome. It was really nice to see the boys putting on a kick-ass show. It just rocked. After about 2 hours of standing on our feet, singing, and having a good ol time the concert was over :o( After the show we met Roni - a girl who comes in chat as Ragdoll29. She is so nice. She shared her story about the band. Her dream came true that day. We followed Roni to the backstage area. She had passes. Roni and her girlfriend went backstage while Prollie, Ches, Idream, her girlfriend (Shana), and I stood around hoping that we would have the luck to get in too. We waited around and didn't have any luck. Prollie and chesty were determined as Idream and I got a little emotional. My dream was to meet Steven - the look in all of our eyes were sad when we were told to leave the premises. So our night ended in a sad note - but we all had a real good time in Raleigh. I am so happy to have met Idream, her girlfriend and of course Ches. Ches and I dropped Prollie off at the airport the following day then drove back to Ches house. I met her family and Aerojanie. She is a sweet girl too. Ches and I got on chat and laughed until the early hours of the morning. The next morning Ches dropped me off at the airport (almost missing the flight, tee hee) and off to Atlanta I went. I got off the plane and had Prollie waiting for me (Isn't she sweet to lie. hehehe I was running late.) . We took off to the Lakewood Amphtheatre for my second Aerosmith concert. When we arrived we were greeted by two lovely's from Alabama. JPF and sis SCO were there in full Aero form. We talked for awhile as we waited for the band to pull up in their cars for tonight's show. I was impressed with all the gifts for the band. As we killed time I learned a lot from these guys and just hearing their previous experiences and memories warmed my heart. As we waited out of the corner of our eye came the first cadillac - the first car was Steven in the front seat on his cell phone. We yelled to him and he smiled and gave us the finger (no not that infamous Tom Hamilton finger,) but he gave us the kind of signal that he acknowleged our preseance and will be with us shortly (yeah right oh Tylerfan, he does usually, it was just to far from the gate. :o) ). In the backseat of Steven's car was Joey. We gave Mr. Tyler time to get off the phone and when we saw him off the phone we yelled down to him. He had something in his hand and swung it around his head as we yelled down to him. Security was gracious enough to call down to tell them we had gifts for the band. They in return sent someone up for it. SCO worked very hard and made us these cool chiquita scarves and JPF slipped one to Steven in an awesome hat, hoping that Steven would use it tonight (he didn't). The the next two car's came in. One had Tom and Brad and the second had Joe Perry in the back. We yelled at Joe who then gave us a semi-half wave. There was one remark that JPF stated and I will never forget it cuz it was so funny. "Yeah there is Joe Perry - he is so cool, he didnt even wave to us." I died when she said it. The cars pulled in down the hill towards the tour buses. We waited around for a lil while and let our feet take us to the will-call window. We got our tickets and proceeded into Lakewood. We met John Kalodner (the dude from a few of the aerosmith videos). He greeted us with a nice smile and handshake. We hung around and met a few other aerosmith fans that we talk to on the net and shared more aero-moments. You couldnt' ask for a better nite. The band took the stage and played an awesome show. The only difference between the Raleigh and Atlanta set lists was the song "Come Together" - which was a nice addition. After the show it was time to meet the band. Prollie and I went backstage. We had 2 bags full of gifts. Joey Kramer was the first to come out. He seemed to be quiet but he was very polite. He just adored Prollie's little "Pandora's Box" of trinkets for him (I never thought to call it that. To cute). We both got a picture with him. He only stayed out for about 10 minutes and headed back in. A little while later Tom Hamilton comes out - the crowd started to gather around and Prollie and I waited our turn. I went up to Tom and asked for his autograph. I handed him my Done With Mirros CD insert and - he laughed as he saw it. He told me since I handed him Done With Mirrors he had to sign it backwards, which he did. Too cool. Both Prollie and I got our picture with Tom. Brad was off to side of the backstage area. He wasn't meeting many fans tonight. After about a 20 minute wait - low and behold Mr. Tyler appeard with Big Mike right behind him. The crowd clinged to Steven. Big Mike and even Steven himself told everyone to give him some room. Prollie and I moved to the back of the crowd and waited for some clearance. We watch Steven come closer and he looked at me wearing my Steven air-brush shirt. As he looked at my shirt he smiled and said "nice shirt" I told him "thanks, Steven can you sign it?" and with that voice that can make you melt - he said "sure I will". He did a beautiful signature on the back and Prollie asked him for his autograph on her backstage pass. I managed to get a pic with Prollie and Steven. Prollie gave Steven his lil box of goodies and briefly explained the story behind the Voodoo Doll she gave to Steven. This is the Voodoo Doll that was bought on JPF, SCO, and Prollie's trip to New Orleans. JPF put a band-aid on the left knee. He looked at it and said "now i know why my knee feels better" - so cool. We were rushed for time as I quickly took the pic of Prollie and Steven and stepped aside quickly. Prollie and I just watched him as he moved around the crowd. I stood and watched all the smiles on everyone's faces. I still couldnt believe it was happening. We got a pic of his cute lil ass in his baggy jeans (Gap, not quite). Prollie then tugged at my arm and said if you want a pic you better act now or you will miss him. I was kind of scared to ask Steven again since Mike wasnt in the best of moods. But I watched him work the crowd and when given the opportunity I went up to him and asked him for one more favor and that was the pic. I said "Steven, one more thing - can I please have my picture with you?" He smiled again and said sure - Prollie took the pic and when the flash went off I looked up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I thanked him. I wanted to say more but I didn't want to push my luck. I will never forget that moment as words cant describe how I felt. Here my dream came true. Prollie and I waited for a few minutes more and then headed our way out the door - with a shitty-ass grin from ear to ear. We walked back to the car and waiting for us was JPF and SCO - we told them what happened. We walked back to the security entrance waiting for Steven to get in the cadillac and head for his hotel. Brad, Tom, Joe and Joey headed out already. About 5 minutes later we see the head-lights of the cadillac come on and headed up the hill. Steven had the window rolled down and we yelled out to him - he gave us a big smile that made our hearts melt and blew out kisses to us while he drove away. So this is the end of our Aero story. I know it's a long one but it was 5 days of pure fun. LOL I never thought my dream would come true for me. All along Prollie told me not to give up and I didn't. Dreams do become realities folks - and as Steven says "the light at the end of the tunnel - maybe U". So all of you that hope to have your dreams fulfilled, dont give up. I want to thank you Prollie, from the bottom of my heart. My dream came true thanks to you hun. I am so happy that I got to know you. Hopefully this is the start of a great friendship - I know it is on this end. I'll never forget you. I love ya. Ches - I am so happy I got to know you. You made me laugh and made me forget the lil things when we were together. You will always be my best friend and I will cherish our awesome time forever. U are the best and I love ya. JPF & SCO - you guys are awesome. I had such a good time hanging with you two cool cats. I hope I can hook up with ya at another Aerosmith show... Love ya guys! IDREAM - You are so sweet. I wish I could of spent more time with you. Do me a favor, dont give up hun. It will happen - I just know it will come true. Work on Mom for Boston. Tee Hee! I love you hun!

Isn't she just so sweet? :o)

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