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In Memory of Pamm

Pamm didn't always look like this... This was during Civinettes week. she was Ursula from the Little Mermaid.

This is a page in memorial of my good friend Pamm. She died on August 5, 1998. She was truly one of a kind. She had the best personality! She could always make you laugh. She never tried to be like anybody else. She was just Pamm. See, like that-Pamm. It was Pam, but she changed it. =) She was always doing stuff like that. She was killed in a car wreck on her way home. I know that she will be greatly missed. I know I will miss her alot. It will be sad at school now that there's no one to make fun of the teachers. =) A certain one.. Well, I just wanted to do this for my friend Pamm.. I love ya wherever you are and we'll miss you!

Here is another pic of Pamm...This was taken in Panama City the day before her death...

From L-R Valerie and Pamm...They were best friends.

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