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Older Pics

This is a pic of us in Panama City July '99.

From L-R: Dusty, Page, Adam, Me

This is a pic of me and my friend Anna after White Water Rafting.

This is my 1999 Dance Team picture.

This is a pic from AHS Homecoming 1999.

From L-R: Me, Chris

This is a pic from Tri-Co Homecoming 1999.

From L-R: Me, Patrick *and my dog Prissy*

This is a pic of us on Spirit Day during Homecoming Week.

From L-R: Lindsey, Me

This is another pic of us on Spirit Day.

From L-R: Page, Me

And Now. . .

All About Me
All About UGA
In Memory of Pamm
More Older Pics
More NEW Pics
