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Close Your Eyes . . . .

. . . and imagine that you are being swept away to a peaceful place out in the woods. A place where birds churp and squirrels play. Fresh air and a cool breeze. Relax and listen to the music! As you lay back in the cool shade under a tall maple tree, you hear the soothing sounds of a softly played pan flute.

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Flute World

Other places I have visited in my travels :

Wicca While I may not be Wiccan, I do believe that knowlege is power . This page pffers info on a subject a lot of people don't know many facts about. Check it out and see for yourself.

Degeneration X-ers A friend of mine started this group dedicated to many different interests - South Park, Wrestling, Theater. . . Check it out and see for yourself.

Brain Puzzles Intersted in Brain Teasers and Challenges associated with the mind??? Well, Here are a few. Check it out often and if you have any suggestions, tell the author of the page. I'm sure He'll appriciate them !

Computer Artist Extaordinaire ! This is the page of a Computer Artist friend of mine. Check it out. Its really good.

Home of the Gatorman This one is another very good friend of mine's. He has a link to get your own Pickachu and some adorable pics of his son.

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Tiersa Calystri.

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