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Capricorn 5

"Who are you?" Goddard asked.

"If you don’t know who I am, then you don’t belong on this planet."

Jewel appeared from behind the woman.

"What’s going on?" Davenport asked.

"It was her!" Jewel cried. "Koby, get her!"

"You’re Koby!" Davenport said without thinking.

"Duh," Jewel said to herself.

Koby grabbed Davenport. Jewel kept Goddard away from her.

"You’re coming with me, girl," Koby said. "First you sneak away, then you deny everything!"

"What?" Davenport yelled.

"You’ve got the wrong girl!" Goddard said.

"Don’t tell me how to do my job!" Koby screamed back.

"You’ve got the wrong girl!"

"Stop!" Jewel cried.

Koby turned. "Jewel, what’s wrong?"

The tone of her voice made Davenport shiver. It was like Koby was a whole different person. Sort of motherly over Jewel.

"I can’t go through with this!" Jewel said. "Giving her death? Its not fair!"

"Jewel, what are you talking about?" Koby asked.

"Death?" Goddard repeated.

"We shouldn’t kill her because she’s with child! You can’t kill a pregnant woman!"

"You’re right," Koby said. "Did you pass your test?"

Davenport didn’t know what to say.

"DID YOU PASS YOUR TEST?" Koby screamed.

"She…hasn’t gotten the results back yet," Jewel said.

"That’s just fine," Koby said, totally backing off.

Jewel grabbed Davenport. "Well, time to take you to the lab!" she said, almost perky.

Jewel dragged Davenport to a medical lab.

“Problem?” Davenport asked.

“Yeah, we gotta get you pregnant.”

Davenport’s heart stopped beating for a sec, then it got going again. “How are you going to do that?”

“I don’t know. There are no sperm donors here. You’ll have to either use one of those- aliens or have-”

“I choose the aliens,” Davenport said quickly.

“Good. Now we gotta go get one,” Jewel said.

Jewel turned, but Davenport caught her. “I can think of a better way to do this.”

“Me too. But we all can’t have our way.” Jewel winked at Davenport, knowing what she was talking about.

Jewel snuck out. She talked about the situation with Goddard. He said he would be the donor. When Davenport found out she almost fainted. (Sigh!)

Soon, the first process was over.

“See?” Jewel asked. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”

Goddard turned a greenish color.

“Now comes the hard part. Seth, I am going to have to ask you to leave. We don’t need aliens ruining an operation like this.”

“I want to stay here,” Goddard said.

“You can’t!” Jewel said. “I said get out and I meant get out!”

After about ten minutes of arguing, Goddard left. Before he did, he said,”TJ, I’ll be praying for you.”

At first, Davenport felt relazed. She had heard what Goddard had said, then she realized he thought she was going to die.

“Now, let’s burn rubber,” Jewel said.

“Will this go quickly?” Davenport asked.

“I really hope so. I’ve never done this before.”
