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Capricorn part 3

“Where are you taking me?” Davenport asked.

“Does it matter?” Jewel asked her, throwing her hair back.

“You have the wrong person!” Davenport yelled.

“Don’t you ever raise your voice to me again!” Jewel said.

“I’m sorry,” Davenport said softly, not knowing what the girl could do to her.

As on cue, Jewel held her hand up. It was glowing purple.

Davenport backed off.

Back on the Christa, the crew was wondering about Davenport.

“Who knows what has happened to her!” Goddard was saying. “And its all Radu’s fault!”

Radu didn’t say anything.

Suzee spoke up. “Shouldn’t we have gone after her?”

“No!” Goddard said. “We don’t know what kind of powers that girl possesses. She could kill us!”

“She wasn’t evil,” Radu said to himself.

No one heard him. Or cared.

“Please,” Davenport was saying. “Please let me go.”

“No!” Jewel cried. “I can’t...I can’t do that. I’ll get into trouble.”

“There’s no way to get out of it?” Davenport said, with tears in her eyes.

“Well....” Jewel said,”there is. But you did something wrong.”

That was when Davenport realized- Jewel had mistaken her for somebody else.

Davenport wondered what she should do. Should she try to escape? She didn't know.

Jewel took Davenport over to the cavern. Shivering, Davenport sat in a corner.

She watched as Jewel started the fire.

"This really is a comfortable place," Jewel said. "I don’t understand why you are so cold, though. Its the same temperature all year long- a nice fifty-four degrees."

No wonder I’m so cold, Davenport thought.

Jewel seemed to ignore her for a few minutes. Davenport watched as Jewel quickly made up a bed. Davenport gulped. Does she expect me to stay here overnight? Davenport thought.

As if reading her mind, (and this thought scared Davenport, not knowing what powers Jewel possessed) Jewel said, "You’re probably scared to death, aren’t you?"

Back on the Christa, Goddard was pacing. He didn’t know what to do.

"Stop!" Harlan cried. "You are making me nervous!"

"What do you want me to do?!" Goddard yelled. "Because I don’t know! And its all my fault!"

"Hold up, Commander!" Radu said. "You blamed this on me!"

"Yeah, but whose idea was it in the first place to come here?" Goddard yelled. "Mine! Don’t you get it? If she dies, its all my fault!"

That was the first time anyone thought about Jewel killing Davenport.

"You are, aren’t you?" Jewel told Davenport. "I can smell the fear, lady. Don’t think I can’t. And don’t think I don’t think you won’t try anything! I know you possess powers far more powerful than mine!"

"What powers?" Davenport asked.

"Don’t give me any of that, lady. You know better!" Jewel shook her finger at her.

"Don’t call me ‘lady’," Davenport said. "I have a name, and my name is Theresa James Davenport."

Jewel burst out laughing. "Theresa James?! Is that the best you could come up with?" She laughed again. "James, huh? I, at least, picked out a decent name for myself- Prosperity."

"What do you mean, picked out?" Now Davenport was confused.

"What planet are you from?" Jewel asked, laughing. "You know damn well every Jovian girl picks out her own name at the age of 2 Jovian years."

"And you picked out Jewel?" Davenport said, trying to make fun of her name. "Jewel Prosperity, uh-"

"Tamsin," Jewel supplied. "And it happens to be a very pretty name. Its dumb people like you who don’t know the meaning of a beautiful name!"

Davenport was quiet.

On the Christa, Thelma and Suzee were trying to track down Davenport, and Harlan and Radu were trying to calm Goddard down. Bova and Rosie did not know what to do so they stayed away from everyone, trying to keep calm.

"Look at this," Jewel told Davenport.

"What is it?" Davenport asked.

Jewel came up to Davenport. "Its a picture of Koby as a child. By looking at her now you would never know the difference, would you?"

Davenport shrugged, not knowing who Koby was.

"That’s fine," Jewel said, confusing Davenport. "So- like I was asking before, did you get your test in?"

"What test?"

"Don’t be stupid. Your pregnancy test."

"P- pregnancy?"

"Don’t be stupid," Jewel said again. "You know perfectly well that you have to have a child. Its the law!"

"What? Are you crazy? I’m not even married!"

Jewel was confused. "What’s- married?"

"What do you mean? Don’t you know what marriage is?"

"Oh, my gosh!" Jewel said. "You’re one of them!"

"One of who?" Davenport asked.

"I’m calling Koby," Jewel said. "She’ll take care of you once and for all."

Davenport tried to get up. When she did, Jewel held up her hand. It was glowing purple.

"I have the power," she said. "I have the power to blind you, no matter what you can do, you can’t do it if you can’t see me!"
