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Chapter One
New Beginings

I was but eight years old when the first of the terrible nightmares began. They hunted and haunted me both day and night. My father tried several of his rituals to cleansed me of these mightmares, my mother even tried some of her own. Yet, my mother would look at me with a sad knowing even as she tried to comfort me.
That's when she began to share to stories of her people and their special relaionship with wolf. She also told me the tales my father forbid, of his people and what he did in his "office chambers." She finally convinced him to share with me some of his rituals, so that I might Awaken to the truth. At first he was hesitant, then welcomed my into his office with open arms.
He taught me the rituals of Life and Blood, of Balance and Harmony. He taught me of the different realities that can be found in dreams and nightmares. My father even explained some what the rituals he used to calm my nightmares. Saying that one had power within their own Dream-Domains, and that one could control what one's dreams (and nightmares) created, he taught me to not fear the nightmares but to face them.
My mother also began to teach me of her people's ways. The rituals, and prayers that kept evil spirits from harming them as they asked kind and benevolent spirtis to aide the rite-master. She even taught me the rudiments of herb-gathering, and how to desern poision filled plants from helpful ones. My mother made sure I'd have the knowledge to take care of myself if ever out on the tundra and lost.
Then her half-brother visited and began teaching me the ways of the land. How to not get lost on the Tundra, and where to find good hunting, were just two of the many things he imparted to me. He was a tough old man, but understanding. This was my first meeting with Uncle Rax.
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