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Garou Allies

The Lost Patrol

All choosen Childern of Weasel, the original pack members.

Jack Bowie "Iron Claw" (ragabash, Alpha, GlassWalker, Rank 3)
Dark Moon "She who walks the dark moon paths" (theurge, Beta, Fianna, Rank 3)
Ashe Winston "Web Wynder" (theurge, Gamma, Glasswalker, Rank 2:webpage:)
Cypher "Forgets his Name" (ahroun, lone-wolf/Delta, Silent Strider, Rank 2 1/2, Glory Hound and currently missing, Weasel favored)
The Wendigo "Walks in Shadows" (ahroun, lone-wolf, Wendigo, Rank 2, Red Talon sympathizer and currently missing)
Sean ? " ? " (galliard, Delta?, Fianna, Rank 1 1/2, currently hospitalized and semi-unconcious)
? "Shaggy Mountain" (uzmati, teacher and friend, Gurahl)

Weasel watches his pack diminish and has called on a few favors within the UmbraBrood to strengthen his pack. These are the new commers.

Piotr Ivanovitch " ? " (Ahroun, no pack rank, Silver Fang, Rank 1, Vengence machine and newly eyed by Weasel)
Ailanna Johanson " ? " (Gallaird, no pack rank, Child of Gaia, Rank 1, Sweet child and daddy's little girl, Weasel reaaaaalllly likes this one :webpage:)

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