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A Dreamer Awakens

And the Mother picked me up to hold me close, But it was not my Birth Mother who held me. . .

The tundra was dry and brittle beneath my feet, and with each step it cried in pain. I cried with it, not in the voice of human making. . .but with the toungue of a most primal sort. It seemed fitting, to lose upon the Skies a heart-ache so wretched and pained with a voice as basic, as primal as I spoke.
And I spoke, though the speech was gutteral at best. I spoke legions, and multitudes of feelings, words, thoughts and ideas with but a few simple snarls, and yips.
The Tundra bleed as my claws dug into Her Body, and ripped the Flesh of the World. My all out flight that of fear and hatred, as I damaged the Earth's Body. An insubstantial Thing chased me with Tireless Abandon, fueled by anger, hate, pain and. . . . Rage. Rage at what, I wondered soundlessly,. . . Me?

I stumbled, suddenly on two, not four legs. . . feet bare to the cold of Winter, no longer furried paws capable of bounding over snow-drifts and ice-encrusted ponds. My body cried out in pain, and fear, as the Thing slowly caught up to me. Memories flashed by my Face, my Memory, my Idea of Self.
The Bully at the Town Center, the Fisher-man who sold us bad fish, the Ferry-man who left me and my Mother behind because she married an Outsider. . . , The hunts where no food could be tracked, the deaths of our best sled dogs because SomeOne poisioned them....Anger, Fear, Hatered. . . , Loss. . . . .

The Things catches me. . . and devores my Soul. . . from within, to my Mortal shell without. It consumes me and my idea of Self. . . , My knowledge of being. It eats away at all I consider Good and Right, replacing them with twisted versions of the same. They no longer are Good and Right but. . . , Evil, Corrupted, Foul. . . , now an integral part of Me. I cannot struggle against it. . . , my Soul Accepts this intrusion as if it was a lost part of Itself. . . , and it Sings for more. . . , for exponentially larger amounts of this Thing. . . , and It answers.
It Calls to Itself more Twisted Mockeries of Life and The Earth. . . , and I am swarmed because I no longer fight, just accept.
Then I rise, and grow, change. . . my body Shifting and Contorting into a powerful Monster. Letting fly a howl simliar to a Mocking Bird, I Call Others of my Ilk to Hunt with me. . . , and I Call other Things to my side. We must find Others of my Kin and Kind to Influence, to add to the growing number of Legions. . . of Armies the Great Corrupter controls.

Then I awaken. . . , sweat stained and horrfied. This is not the first, nor will it be the last dream of such origins, yet it is the most Terrifing. This dream is the most real, as I can still hear its echos in this Reality. The sounds, the Feelings passing from the Dream-Scape to my bedroom shadows. Something calls to me. . . , something a good distance away but still very Powerful in its pull on my Soul.
I cry. . . ,
Yet no-one comes to my need.
Mother is out tending the kennels and Father is in town. . . , no one inside to hear my sobbing except Canis, my beloved Wolf-dog. He whispers in his way that he will try to protect me, to be my strength. I pull the huge creature to me and hold him close...,and cry into his fur as he bathes my face with his toungue.

10 Years Later. . . ,

Same Dream, but somehow I have found within myself the Power to Fight Back! And I win, yet some of the Thing's energies twist around my Hatered, Anger, and Fear. . . , It corrupts them, yet it doesen't.
When I awaken I go with Uncle Rax to hunt the Carribou, just me and the Old Man and a team of dogs.
Then the Fire, and the Fear, and the volenteers who pull me down. . . , and the dream is nestled away is a cloudy haze of Drugs. . . , and is remebered no more.

2 Years Pass....,

After wandering the wilderness alone and in a haze of shock and absolute, utter abandoment of self, I awakend for my delusions. I accepted my loss, and systamatically place the blame on my Uncle, not Rax... but the tratior who sold the precious family artifacts and begat the firey deathtrap that was once my home. I picked up work at a local mechanics. Then the dreams began again.

Hatred, anger, lust, greed. . . , foul mockeries of love, need, hurt, and rejection. They clouded the dream-scape Realities, and colored all I reacted to in foul and twisted colors. Then the killing began.
I slaughtered what I thought were evil beings, only to find innocent blood coating my claws. . . , Claws? I found a mirror in this world of dreams an delusions, and it showed me as a monster of my prevoius, childhood nightmares. But this form was different. It was Silvery-White, with silvery eyes. Around its neck hung a symbol of the moon. Yet even as pure as this being seemed, over the heart-area was a deep, black sploch. As I gazed at it, and thought of my family, it began to shrink. Even as my thoughts turned to my betrayer, it began to grow, covering more and more area.

I looked to the heavens and witnessed the Sun and Moon together in the sky, along with constilations I knew not. Then as I glanced back into the mirror, I saw a jet-black wolf. Not the same color black as the splotch, but a more natural coat-color of a wolf. Next my image licked me and bade me join it in a romp. That's when I realized that the mirror was no longer there, just a wolf.
So I followed it, and played the strangly dark day away. It lead me further and further from the city, deeper into the woods. The deeper we traveled, the more at home I felt on all four paws. I gained a sense of peace, and joy of which I only ever felt when my husband, son and family gathered together around the hearth.
That pang stopped me in my tracks, and I looked back to the city. The black wolf paused and whined, begging me not to return to my-self in the town, but to follow. She was join by several others, who becokoned me to continue my path into the wilderness.
I looked at them and the harmony they shared, but a sore spot in my heart tugged me back they way we came. I had unfinished bussiness with a certain someone. To join them would mean forgetting his transgressions, and forgiving the pain he caused me to so suffer. I could not and would not allow him to go unpunished. He took from me a haapiness and contentment few ever shared with me, and he would pay dearly.
So I ran like I never would again, and as I crossed the still pound, looking at my reflection as I lept across it, I felt a sudden loss. But unperturbed, I continued on, returning to my room and bed.
I woke and decide to answer the flyer I found at a city bus stop. SpiritHunters Inc. was looking for new recruits for their Philadelphia branch. Mayhaps they'd need someone with my skills to keep their gear operational. So I hopped a bus to New York to apply.

Thus began my dream of reality.
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