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This page is for Quake and Quake II gamers in the Bunbury and Southwestern regions of Western Australia. The aim of 'Southwest Quake II' is to publicise Quake/Quake II servers in Bunbury and encourage regional southwestern players to use them (at least check them) instead of automatically using a Perth server. Most players in the southwestern region only enjoy an occasional game; on this page you can list your contact details so that other players are aware of your existence.

If you enjoy the odd game of Quake/Quake II, put your details in the guestbook. In particular your Email address and ICQ number (if you have one) - along with your nickname. Other potential players can then examine the guestbook, and if they want to, ask you for a game; Easy.

Also included are a list of servers; If you know of any other Quake/Quake II (hey, even Quake3!) servers in the southwest region - please mail me.

Sign the Guestbook. View the Guestbook.
potential frag victims have visited this page since its inception.

BUNBURY QUAKE II SERVERS ** a Quakeworld server here too **



MANDURAH QUAKE II SERVERS ** also a Quakeworld server at this address **

The Bunbury iiNet server requires at least Quake II v3.19. The latest version is v3.20 and available from ID Software. To update your CD version of Quake II just download the patch and follow the instructions (You don't need to buy the game again). Unfortunately this server is for iiNet, Gateway and Pintech customers only (thanks for the info TriFFiD). If you put the Bunbury iiNet server in your address book don't be suprised if it is missing sometimes, and back again at other times. It is a bit of a mystery why the iiNet server disappears; iiNet claim that they are just reseting the server but I suspect it is only moonlighting as a Quake2 server and has other duties during the day!

The GeoNet server was fromerly the ALTU server (just a name change); the GeoNet server is for GeoNet customers only. GeoNet are also in the process of installing a Quake3 server but according to their news page it is not up yet (I assume it is not up because there is no mention of it!). Quake3 is building up a player base and becoming more popular all of the time so if you have a copy try ""; which is where all of the GeoNet servers live.

The Mandurah servers are hosted by South West Internet Services and are very well administered; however the pings are not that much better (often worse) than to Perth servers.

If you are looking for some Quake/Quake II resources or information, both the iiNet and Wantree game sites (look at bottom of page for links) are great for info with a local perspective. Other good sites are PlanetQuake and QuakeWorld as well as the official ID Software page. I don't intend to constantly update this page - it should pretty much look after itself, However if you email me (with comment, content or criticism) I will update it with anything relevant. If you have recently vistited SWQII and found that the counter is not working, or the guestbook won't let you sign - I apologize. BeeSeen counters had a bad server and Phaistos guestbooks decided to do and upgrade. It would also be nice to see some more names in the guestbook (don't be shy). Happy fragging!


iinet Games

Wantree Games

Say NO to Net Censorship in Oz