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Stephanie's Ryan Phillippe Home Page!

Ava Elizabeth Phillippe is the proud daughter of Ryan and Reese!! Born on 9/9/99, one day before Ryan turned 25! Congratulations!!!!!!
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Hey all you Ryan Phillippe lovers! You can have a lot of fun at this site! There are many things to do here...look at hot Ryan's bio and more! So sit back and have fun! :)


Have you ever wanted to call Ryan Phillippe? Well now you can. You can get his phone number! Ok, I go to this one really good Ryan page and there it said this: "Somebody out there named Gina sent this in. I don't know if it works but this is what she sent in: Ryan's phone number is like available and his parents is also. If you go to yahoo hit people search and go down to telephone search put in phillippe and the state of ca it gives you his addy which i know you know is in beverly hills and his phone number. But no email. And of course if you do the same for his parents just switch the state to DE you get his parents in new castle his sisters name is on there to. So there you go. Thanx Gina. I haven't had time to try it out but if YOU (yeah you reading this) wants to try it out do it. Oh and if it really works out please someone out there e-mail me and tell me. Thanx!"- thats what it said. Well I tried it and it worked...but now all I have to do is call it! And beleive me I will!! thanks!!

Ryan and Reese are engaged! Plus, Reese is pregnant! Congrats to both!

Do you have a Ryan Phillippe page? If you do, E-mail me and I will put a link on mine!

If you have any news, pics, info or anything about Ryan, E-mail me!

If you have the TV channel E! there is a normal show called Behind The Scenes and lately they have had an episode all about Cruel Intentions...So watch for it so you can tape Ryan!!

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