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Inspirational Poem's

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Here are some more Poem's I have written. I hope you enjoy them. Please sign my guest book and let me know what you think. God Bless!!

God's Wonders
God made the flowers and the tree's.
He made the mountians and the sea's.
He made joy, happiness and love.
These things he sent from up above.

Written By: Grace Beers

God's Gifts
The laughing children, the singing birds,
The glorious animals in woderous herds,
God gave us these from up above.
He sent them to us with his love.

Written by: Grace Beers

God's Love
In happines or dispair,
God's love will always be there.
When your life becomes a chore,
God's love is just as sure.

Written By: Grace Beers

I hope you enjoy these poem's. I will be adding more as I write them. I have a saying that I tell all my ICQ friends....Keep a smile on your face. :o) God Bless, and may your days be filled with love and happiness.
