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Needful Things
Please, Sir, enter the shop and see what wonderful gems I have in store. Anything to please Your desire for good Win95/NT software can be found here. Browse the site and download what might be useful for You. All downloads have been carefully selected to provide pure quality and to save Your time. No need to check out all the crap out there. Everything found on this site proved to be good. That is the reason why I offer just one file for any purpose. Please notice that I only have freeware and useful shareware and demos for Your pleasure. Please enjoy Your visit and tell others where to find NeeDfuL tHinGs.

Graphics and imaging

Paint Shop Pro 5.03 Great PhotoShop-like program to manipulate fotos and paintings Download
CadDraw 4.25 Professional 2D CAD program. Easy to use but astonishing powerful Download
IrfanView 2.66 Small, fast and useful viewer for many picture formats. Converting and many more functions. Replaced PolyView. Download

Sound and music

CoolEdit 96 Powerful sample editor Download
MusicManiac Player for modules (.mod files) Download
WinAmp 1.92 SP1 Player for .mp3 files that offer cd-quality and acceptable size. Songs can be found around the net Download


ZOC 3.08 Powerful and fast terminal for Win95/NT. Configurable for just any use Download
WinFax pro 8.0 Great fax program with answering machine for voice modems Download


Eudora light 3.05 Small, fast and uncomplicated e-mail client with filters and plug-in support Download
ICQ Popular online pager with chat, messaging and direct file transfer. Contact people currently online Download
Kali 1.45 Online gaming system. Lets You play almost every game with a network mode over the internet. Easy to use and a lot of servers. Fast. Download
GetRight 3.02 Tool to resume downloads from the internet. Very useful for large files and/or bad connections. Drag and Drop Download
HomeSite 3.0 HTML editor with many features and a comfortable user interface Download

Encryption and privacy

PGP5 Freeware Latest version of PGP, the best encryption available. First version with a windows user interface and plugs into Eudora or MSOutlook for secure emailing. Download
CryptExt 2.54 Small tool that fits into context menu. Encrypts and decrypts files and directories fast using a 160 bit key. Useful for local files Download
Kremlin 2.11 Encrypts and decrypts files with various algorythms. Useful to protect files to be transfered (f.e. file attachments of e-mails) Download

Various goodies

VirtualCD Creates a virtual cd-rom drive. This drive behaves just like an ordinary cd-rom. Cd's can be compressed. Download
Today Small tool that reminds You of recurring events (f.e. birthdays) at startup. Does not stay resident. Download
UltraEdit 5.10a Powerful and fast editor with hundreds of functions for programmers etc.. Great replacement for notepad Download
McAfee VirusScan 3.11 Very popular anti-virus software with frequent updates over the net Download
WinZip 6.3s (service release) Zipper/unzipper with native ZIP support. Can also be configured for other archivers. Very easy Download
DirectX 5.0 Latest version of Microsoft´s DirectX. Needed for most games running with Win95. Download

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