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Last update: 10/26/98

Visitors Forum

Members Forum


We are the Lords Of Destruction who compete in Myth as an Order. Our goal is to assimilate the tactics and strategies gained through experience to eventually rank above other orders in competition. Besides, we're just a bunch of friends who are learning to play well together by sharing each others insights, experience, and enthusiasm for Myth: The Fallen Lords.

With the battle-scarred Berserkers in steady formation along the river bed and the reknowned fir'Bolg archers stationed high above the majestic cliffs of Liriel, the armies stood in final anticipation for the glory which the Gods had destined. As Rilak gazed sternly across the sunset horizon of the western sky, Nightblade's reaffirmation turned into firm resolve,

'Tis A Great Day To Die, MiLord......Last,......Of Course.....

Who Are We ? Well...We Rule

Here is a list of e-mail addresses of some of the LoD members to contact if you want to join LoD or just need to talk to them.

NightBlade ----


Fallen Kell---

MadBomber -------

Master P -------

WebMasters: NightBlade & Master P & MadBomber & Thorin & Landar & *Fallen Kell

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Sponsors Of Our Order

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
National Rankings Of Myth Players
LoD's Official Myth 2 site by MadBomber
Fallen Kell's Website
Hellfire's Website

Fallen Kell's Myth2 Website
