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Pictures from Mississippi


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Back when I was in my first meteorology school, I was not only the platoon leader but as you can see, I also substituted as the local barber.

When I went back to Mississippi for forecasting school, I picked up a second job as a bouncer at Michael’s Country Club. This is Amanda, one of the waitresses there.

This is Chia, she’s another waitress at Michael’s.

These were a couple of my dance partners from up at Michael’s.

These are some pictures that were taken during my graduation from forecasting school.

This is a picture of me and Tammy out on the dance floor during my last night in Mississippi.

This is Jessica, she’s a really cool girl that I met while I was down there.

This is Karen, a really cool girl to hang out with and an awesome friend. Without a doubt, she’s the coolest person that I met down in Mississippi.



This is Kenny-Wayne, and before you ask… yes, he’s just as crazy as he looks.

This is a buddy of mine – Patrick. We actually met a long time ago back when I was stationed at Camp Pendleton, in California. His wife Marsha (who taught me how to shoot pool) introduced us.

This is Misty, she’s Chia’s sister and also a bartender/waitress at Michael’s Country Club.

This is Sean, the main bartender at Michael’s.

It's all about striking the perfect pose as just the right time.

This is another picture of Tammy and I.

The girls and I just hanging out at the party.

This is Debby, a long-time friend of Karen’s. She used to say I was like a big teddy-bear.

This is the a whole bunch of us getting together for a group shot just before I had to go.