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Pictures from Back Home


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This is my friend Becky Rogers at her High School graduation.

This is my little buddy Kolten Eby.

Me going for a joy-ride in the Kroger parking lot.

This is the car that Mom used to bribe me to come home. Eventually this car and my heavy foot landed me in the Marine Corps.

This is a picture of my ex-girlfriend Christina. It’s a copy of the newspaper clipping from her obituary after she died in a car wreck.

This is one of my buddies from back home - CJ Haulter.

These two crazy are really good friends of my family – Diane and Ernie Ernst

A snapshot of me from a looooooooong time ago.

This is my best friend Glynn-Ann. We've known each other for right around 18 years now. No matter how long it is between visits, our friendship never diminishes. She's the only one of my friends who throughout the years has actually tried to keep in touch with me, and for that I am truely thankful.

This is a picture from the last time that I went home. My friend Glynn-Ann, her husband Nick and I all went bowling.

This is a picture of Kristy and Manji… friends of mine from High School

This picture was taken during a party at my friend Jeremy’s house.

Another picture of me… I think this one is from my freshman prom.

This is a picture of my kick-butt little dog “Nakita”. Without a doubt, this was my best friend growing up. I got her when I was about 7 years old and she lived until long after I had moved out of the house. She died shortly after I turned 24.

This is a picture of my friend Glynn-Ann’s yappy little dog. Her name is “Sweetie” but I’ve yet to see this dog live up to that name when I come around. One thing for sure, she has a lot of energy to spare… I’ve never personally seen her shut up.