Fan Fiction Long Live!

Keep checking ... *g*

Dialogue ... 15: Maria Gavroche (I do like writing this stuff)


(This is a dialogue I always wanted to take place. I know that none of them found out who the other one were in the novel, but Éponine recognizes Cosette in the musical, so that's where I'm taking this from.)

(It takes place outside 55 Rue Plumet. Éponine wanders the streets, partly looking for Marius and partly trying to find something to eat. The street leads her to Cosette's home. She has already taken Marius there, only a few weeks ago. She knows who Cosette is, but Cosette has never seen her (she thinks). Éponine stops outside the large gate and watches the beautiful garden for a while. She sits down and sort of hopes that Marius will come by, so she at least can see him. But instead, she suddenly spots Cosette coming out from a door.)

ÉPONINE: Oh, Lord... (she stands up and walks a little away from the gate, but she is unafraid. Cosette is not someone that looks dangerous, when you think of it.)

(Cosette strolls around in the garden looking happy and beautiful. But she stops as she sees Éponine, and their eyes meet. From some reason they are both unable to leave, and since staring is unpolite, Cosette walks nearer the gate.)



(They are silent for a little while, then Cosette speaks again.)

COSETTE: What are you doing here, mademoiselle?

ÉPONINE: Are you displeased with my presence? (a little sharp)

COSETTE: (blushing) Oh, no, that's not what I meant. I am sorry. I just ... I wondered why you were standing here. Are you looking for someone?

ÉPONINE: (looks down) Not in particular.

COSETTE: Well. (She smiles and lightens up.) Would you like to come inside? (She stops as she understands what she has said. Her father has told her to be careful many times, although he also said that the people living on the street in most cases are very thankful when offered something.) Or — can I ask again why you are standing here all alone?

ÉPONINE: (smiles vaguely, almost bitterly) I don't have anywhere else to stand all alone. And you don't owe what is outside your gate, do you?

COSETTE: Of course not, I am sorry ... I didn't mean it like that. I just.. I am just curious. Would you like to come inside?

ÉPONINE: (looking at her closely, remembering her as a child) Sure.

(Cosette opens the gate and Éponine enters. They walk through the garden and they sit down on the same stone bench that Cosette and Marius use to sit on. Éponine knows this. They chat a little before Cosette asks her name.)

COSETTE: So, what is your name, mademoiselle?

ÉPONINE: Azelma.

COSETTE: That's pretty. You're very lucky to be called that. It sounds so poetic. My name is Euphrasie, but I am called Cosette.

ÉPONINE: That's nice too. Do you like it?


ÉPONINE: Your name, surely. Cosette. (She overheard the conversation between Marius and her, when the discussed the name ‘Cosette'.)

COSETTE: (dreamy) I used to prefer my real name, but someone changed my view. Now I like ‘Cosette' the best. (She smiles shyly and sweetly.)

ÉPONINE: (also dreamy, but in another way) Oh? Who was that?

COSETTE: Oh ... (whispers) It's someone I met a while ago. Well, we didn't meet properly until a few weeks ago. He came to my house here and ... well, we had been, oh, what to say? watching each other for a while before (smiles and blushes). But it is partly a secret. I don't know many people. Papa doesn't know about him; he's very protective, Papa. He would worry. But Marius is nothing to worry over.

ÉPONINE: Marius ...

COSETTE: Yes, that's his name. I don't know many people ... you must be the first one I tell. But I truly love him, I do.

ÉPONINE: And he loves you too?

COSETTE: Yes, he does. I am so lucky! (laughs)

ÉPONINE: You're right. You're very lucky. But it wasn't all just luck.

COSETTE: No, I bet some of it was destiny.

ÉPONINE: It was a favour, I'd say.

COSETTE: (looks at her) What do you mean, Azelma?

ÉPONINE: (looks into her eyes) Nothing, do I?


(The feeling between them is a little tense, then Cosette speaks again.)

COSETTE: Azelma ... there's something that sounds familiar with that name.

(Éponine is silent. She rises and walks around, looking at the flowers.)

COSETTE: Maybe .. but I don't know anyone here.

ÉPONINE: I bet you and Marius sit right here, on this bench. Don't you?

COSETTE: Well, yes. Mostly. The trees hide us, you know.

ÉPONINE: Do you need something to hide you? How old are you anyway?

COSETTE: (blushes and looks up with astonished blue eyes) What? I didn't mean anything like that! We don't need a hide-out, but I happen to enjoy privacy.

ÉPONINE: Yeah, I bet. At least you have the possibility of having some.

COSETTE: (her eyes are shiny) I am sorry ... (she looks down, secretly wishing for this girl to leave)

ÉPONINE: (sits down in the soft grass) Don't be. You couldn't help it. You were the one being rescued out of that place anyway. I guess this is the way it should be. I don't know - you get to pay for your past, no matter how young you were. Look at us now; do you see any similarities? No. Well, there weren't any, ever. The differences just changed. I don't really care.

COSETTE: Do you ... I know you from somewhere, don't I?

ÉPONINE: No, how could you? (She starts fearing that Cosette will tell Marius about this incident, and that he will find out what happened.)

COSETTE: What did you mean by all that?

ÉPONINE: Nothing. I have to leave now. (She gets up and walks towards the gate quickly.)

COSETTE: Wait! Can I .. em, get you anything?

ÉPONINE: (smiles sadly to herself) Yeah ...


ÉPONINE: Oh, nothing. Thank you, no. Cosette - (She draws her breath and sighs) At least I am glad I didn't have to say I am sorry for the past. I guess you don't need that. And I am not sorry either. Just figured that maybe I would be someday.

(She runs away outside the gate. Cosette sits down on the bench again, wondering over what happened. She realizes that she must know this girl from somewhere, but she has forgotten too much of her childhood to recognize the name that Éponine quickly said was hers. She settles with the idea that she might be someone she and Jean Valjean met on the street some day, when they were giving away food and money. But she doesn't forget her, and she doesn't tell Marius about it. At least not in the beginning. Maybe she tells him later, after the mysterious girl has died for him, and maybe he will understand and tell her who she was. Then maybe Cosette will remember her, as she learns her real name. But this has yet to be seen.)

Dialogue 16: Cosette Pontmercy

(In Heaven, several years after they have died. Let's say it's...oh...1880. GRANTAIRE finally finds ENJOLRAS, who is sitting there, staring, and approaches him.)

GRANTAIRE: (nervously) Hello, Enjolras.

ENJOLRAS: (coldly) Hello Grantaire.

(there is an awkward silence between them)

GRANTAIRE: I'm not drunk anymore.

ENJOLRAS: I noticed.

(another awkward silence) GRANTAIRE: (almost in tears, very quickly) Enjolras, I am sorry that I let you down at the Barriere du Maine! I didn't mean to, really I didn't. I wanted to do that because I wanted you to know that I wasn't useless. I wanted you to be my friend. But I got down there, and I started drinking thing led to another. But when I got there, I was talking to them about all the things that you said. Enjolras, all I wanted was you to say one nice word to me! A "good job" or a "thanks." But you never did...

ENJOLRAS: That's not important anymore, Grantaire.

GRANTAIRE: But it is. It is because even now I don't understand why you hated me so much. I gave nothing but unconditional love to you, didn't you see that? Didn't you know? I didn't care about your Revolution, I was there because I wanted to be your friend.

ENJOLRAS: (preoccupied) I didn't hate you, Grantaire.

GRANTAIRE: Enjolras, what is it? Why won't you talk to me?

ENJOLRAS: It's happened, Grantaire. It's happened. They threw out Louis Napoleon and the country that we died for is there. But nobody will even remember us. Nobody cares about what we fought for, all those nights I stayed up one will remember us, or me.

GRANTAIRE: Enjolras, I remember you. I remember you that day we died together. When I woke up and saw you there, so bold, so strong, so dedicated, everything that I was not, I remember your hair caught by the breeze as you threw your gun aside and that look on your face which contained no fear at all. It was then that I knew that I could not live without your strength. I needed you Enjolras. Did you know that?

ENJOLRAS: (slightly touched) I wasn't that strong, that day, Grantaire. I was terribly scared.

GRANTAIRE: It didn't come across that way.

ENJOLRAS: Of course I was. When you have ten guns pointed at your direction and know that there is no way out, what do you do?

GRANTAIRE: (bluntly) Why did you hate me?

ENJOLRAS: I didn't hate you, Grantaire. We were just polar opposites. And I have to admit that after we died together--(he stops)


ENJOLRAS: When I got here, I couldn't help but think that... that you were very brave that day. And you took my mind off what was happening. I didn't have to hear the "ready, aim, fire," I could look at you. And you weren't afraid.

GRANTAIRE: No, I wasn't afraid. I was happy. You were going to let me die with you. You really thought I was brave?

ENJOLRAS: Yes, you didn't have to die. You could have stayed there, passed out and been alright, but you gave your life because...

GRANTAIRE: Because I wanted to show you that I was capable of believing in something. Enjolras, I beleived in you.

ENJOLRAS: Thank you, Grantaire. Thank you for believing in me. There was a time at the barricade when I don't think anyone but you did. Thank you.

GRANTAIRE: (in tears) You just thanked me! (he embraces ENJOLRAS tightly, and ENJOLRAS returns it) You don't know what this means to me Enjolras. You don't know. To have you accept me, after all these years. (GRANTAIRE holds up a bottle, and offers it to ENJOLRAS) Please? (ENJOLRAS looks at the bottle strangely, and shakes his head) Please, Enjolras?

(ENJOLRAS takes the bottle, smiles at GRANTAIRE, and takes a big swig of it. He immediately chokes on it (never having drunk anything before) and spits it out. GRANTAIRE laughs, and ENJOLRAS laughs with him, then ENJOLRAS stands, and they walk off together sharing the bottle and laughing.)


Wasn't that one beautiful, guys?? *in tears* Sigh ... :)

Dialogue 17: Maria Gavroche (me again ..)

Around 1830, again... (Gavroche is walking down a street, singing, being his usual self. Suddenly he spots his father and some of his men, including his sister Éponine, on the other side of the pavement, walking into an alleyway. They disappear in the dark and Gavroche runs across the street to follow them. He finds them and keeps in the back so he is not seen - he does know he's not exactly wanted around them, and he understands that they are up to something illegal. But he's always ready for excitement, it being running from the police or his father's gang. *smile*)

(After a while they stop, and Gavroche hides behind a cardboard box (if they were invented yet). They start talking.)

THÉNARDIER: Well, that's far enough.

BRUJON: Why do we have to discuss this matter here, of all goddam places?

THÉNARDIER: You know our hide-out was shattered. Just shut up. We don't need a certain place.

MONTPARNASSE: I enjoyed having it, all the same. (he smiles and leans back against the wall)

ÉPONINE: You enjoy lots of things that others don't!

MONTPARNASSE: I reckon you should know that. (He pulls her near and holds her, she tries weakly to break loose, but doesn't exactly put her soul into it. Remember that she has not yet met Marius. While this goes on, Thénardier plans some kind of robbery with the rest of his people.)

THÉNARDIER: Hey! Parnasse, pay attention.

MONTPARNASSE: There's not much to pay attention to. You do all the plans, the others follow you like dogs and I do the killing, if there is any.

THÉNARDIER: (coldly) So maybe you should try and understand if there will be any killing. Or else we don't need you here, according to your own mouth.

(Montparnasse laughs contently, and throws Éponine away. They discuss on, and after some minutes they start leaving. In the end, only Thénardier, his daughter, and Parnasse are left. They leave together, and Gavroche stands up from his box and follows them, not intending to hide himself any longer. Montparnasse turns and starts laughing again, but silently.)

GAVROCHE: What are you laughing at?

MONTPARNASSE: How long have you been around?

(Thénardier turns around quickly and grabs Gavroche by his collar (since he has one, haha).)

THÉNARDIER: Who are you? What the hell have you been doing here?!

GAVROCHE: Don't act stupid! It's just me! Gavroche.

THÉNARDIER: What are you doing here!

GAVROCHE: I was following you, I know.

THÉNARDIER: (starts shaking him, red face, scared) What did you hear!?

GAVROCHE: (calmly) I heard everything.

(Thénardier practically lifts him up in the air, shaking from both anger and despair. He's kind of aware of who Gavroche is, but he doesn't care, as you probably know. Right now he is simply afraid that he will tell their plans to someone that shouldn't know of them.)

MONTPARNASSE: Let him down, he won't tell anyone. Will you?

GAVROCHE: I'm not stupid. Do you think I want you all in jail?

THÉNARDIER: How could I know such a thing? (still holding him)

MONTPARNASSE: It's okay, I know him, Jondrette. He won't tell. I've used him before, he's okay. We've used him.

THÉNARDIER: (lets him go) Well. (Turns around and leaves them.) This can't be ruined by any chance. If that kid of yours tells the police, I'll personally break your neck, Parnasse. (He is gone. The three stand left in the alleyway, Éponine close to the wall and Gavroche and Parnasse in the middle of the passage.)

ÉPONINE: ‘That kid of yours...' (starts giggling)

GAVROCHE: He doesn't even know who I am, does he?

ÉPONINE: How should I know? But it sure as hell don't seem like it (laughs on)!

GAVROCHE: (smiles with her) Well .. I prefer that to what you're going through.

ÉPONINE: (glancing at him) Me? (nonchalantly) I'm not going through anything.

GAVROCHE: (raising eyebrows) Ooh .. no. Take a look at yourself!

MONTPARNASSE: Hey — if this here is going to be a family fight, I'm out of here. Ponine, you know when to show up. (He leaves.)

GAVROCHE: (whistling, stepping away from his suspicious sister) There's one of the things he's making you face ..

ÉPONINE: Parnasse? (laughs) Oh, stupid kid. That's my own choice, I know. Plus, there's nothing going on, whatever you mean.

GAVROCHE: Ha! So it's your choice? So what do you think he'd do to ya if ya let him down? If you refused to play his games? He'd just let you go? And if he didn't do nothing, your father surely would. That is, if Parnasse quit his gang just to be rude and get you into trouble.

ÉPONINE: Hold your tongue or I'll chop it off. Nothing happens to me. He doesn't do much anyway. I don't — I don't go far with him.

GAVROCHE: I don't care, I just think you should know that your father is turning you into a little whore! (laughing) And I prefer his ignorance to that!

ÉPONINE: Dare calling me a whore, you brat! Get out of here! (she's talking sharply, but she doesn't care much about his words. After all he is only trying to enrage her, although much of it is true.)

GAVROCHE: (bows to her) Well, as long as you know ‘when to show up' ... (He clicks his tongue and walks out on her, leaving her alone in the passage.)

ÉPONINE: Brat ... (she walks the other way, her brother already out of her mind.)

Dialogue 18: Kristi

Notice: This is my first attempt at a serious dialogue. If you've seen mine in the past, you see that they are relatively humorous. I am trying to tone down my Courfeyrackish awful humor and write something serious. So here goes--

(Eponine has left in the night once again so that she may see Marius. Azelma, barefoot and as ragged as her sister follows up behind her, not noticed.)

Azelma: Eponine!

Eponine:(lost in her own misery)"Whaaa.."(She slowly looks behind her to see Azelma.)"What are you doing here?" (Azelma blushes furiously)

Azelma: "Eponine, what is wrong?"

Eponine:(looks at Azelma and shrugs)"I dunno."

(Azelma tries in vain to get Eponine's attention, but to no avail. Exasperated, Azelma spurts out more words in that minute than she probably ever did in her young life)

Azelma: "Eponine, listen to me! I am your sister! Whatever happened to our relationship? (Eponine's head snaps up at the sudden outbursts, and she gives Azelma a cold glare)

Eponine:"Damnit Azelma! Be quiet!" (but Azelma will not be pacified so quickly)

Azelma:"Ya walk the streets every night! For what? Tell me! Maybe I can help. If I can't, I can still be there for ya! I've known ya ever since I was born. What is wrong? You've been there for me, protected me from that bastard for a father! Don't ya think I should do something for ya sometime?"

Eponine:(rather tiredly)"Let's go, Azelma. There is nothing you can do. It's my problem and I'll deal with it."

Azelma:"It's obvious you can't do this alone! You've been walking the streets for over three weeks now.

Eponine:(more sternly)"Let's go, damnit!"

Azelma:(pleadingly)"Then tell me what is wrong, ya hear? Promise me?"(Eponine sighs heavily)

Eponine:"I promise, Azelma. I will tell you by and by, if you promise not to bother me." (Azelma sees no choice but to accept, although she's getting shirked out of the deal, she really wants to help her sister.)

Azelma:(taking a deep breath)"It's a deal."

(Eponine sort of smiles at Azelma, and they wander the streets, anything is better than the hell-hole that was supposed to be their home.)

Dialogue 19: Javert Fan

This is my first attempt EVER! It takes place the day after Valjean has rescued Cosette.

COSETTE: Hello, M'sieur! Must I sweep?

VALJEAN: No! Just play!

COSETTE: Thank you, M'sieur! (She takes out her doll.)

VALJEAN: That is a very nice doll! Where did you get it?

COSETTE: Eponine told me I've had it since I was taken there, so I think my mother gave it to me. It's all I have left of her. (Pausing, then) Did YOU know my mother, M'sieur?

VALJEAN: Yes, I knew her. She was very kind-hearted. She became very ill and died. But before she died, she just wanted to see you.

COSETTE: Oh. I thought, maybe, she was still alive.

VALJEAN: I think she's still alive.

COSETTE: But you just said. . . I don't understand, M'sieur.

VALJEAN: I think that her spirit is alive, inside of YOU. You are very much like your mother. Very kind, like she was.

COSETTE: Thank you, M'sieur.

VALJEAN: Does your doll have a name?

COSETTE: No, M'sieur. What was my mother's name?

VALJEAN: Her name was Fantine.

COSETTE: Then that will be my doll's name. M'sieur, may I call you Father.

VALJEAN: Yes, I would like that very much.

Dialogue 20: Javert Fan

This takes place a couple years before Fantine dies. Eponine is about 7 yrs old. Fantine has come to visit Cosette at the inn the Thenardiers run. Eponine greets Fantine at the door.

EPONINE: Hello, madam. How long will you be staying?

FANTINE: Hello. I'm not staying long, I'm afraid. I've come to visit my daughter Cosette.

EPONINE: I'm sorry. She's doing her chores right now. Would you like to sit down and wait for her?

FANTINE: Yes, thank you. (She and Eponine sit at the table) So, how is Cosette doing? Is she well?

EPONINE: Not only is she well, she's very kind, too. She always does her chores when she's told. She sometimes volunteers to do my mother's chores, too.

FANTINE: I'm glad to hear that. Why does she do your mother's chores?

EPONINE: Well, mother is going to have a baby, so she needs some extra help. I help by greeting people at the door and having them sign the guestbook and showing them their room and such. Cosette helps by cleaning the rooms after people leave.

FANTINE: I'm glad she's doing well. Does she still have the doll I gave her?

EPONINE: Yes, madam. That is her favorite thing in the world because it is from you. (Cosette walks past the door with a smile on her face)

COSETTE: Hello, madam.

FANTINE: Hello. (Cosette leaves)

EPONINE: As you can see, she is very happy here.

FANTINE: Yes. I was going to take her home, but I can't take her away from her happiness. Here. (She takes out a piece of paper and writes a note, then folds it up) Give this to your mother or father. Have them read it to her, and have them say I sent it through the mail. Goodbye!

EPONINE: Goodbye, madam.

NOTE: The baby that Mme Thenardier is going to have is Gavroche. M. Thenardier never gave Cosette the note from Fantine, because he wanted her to think her mother didn't care about her, so she would never daydream about leaving that place.

Dialogue 21: Jessica Jones

[Eponine is lying on the pavement dying, waiting for Marius to find her.]

Eponine: God this hurts! Dying in the name of love sounds so much more romantic than it is...If only Marius would come, it wouldn't be so bad. [She smiles sadly as she thinks of him.]

[Suddenly there is a white light and Fantine appears,now of course she is an angle. She approaches Eponine smiling kindly.]

Eponine: Hey, who are you? Are you a ghost? 'Cause if you ain't and you don't leave soon you probably will be.

Fantine: No, not a ghost...

Eponine: Well, I guess you ain't my guardian angel, 'cause you're a bit late for that.

Fantine: Not a guardian, 'Ponine, more of a friend.

Eponine: [A little surprised by this.] Well, thanks, but I'm waiting for someone.

Fantine: Monsieur Marius I suppose.

Eponine: [For the first time paying attention.] But how did you know...who are you?

Fantine: Someone else who has died in the name of love.

Eponine: So you really are an angel! Then what are you doing with the likes of me?

Fantine: No matter what you think or what your parents say Eponine,you are a good person. You have a good heart, and you've been the best friend to Marius. [Eponine smiles.] And whether you realize it or not you've been a friend to Cosette. [Eponine winces at the name.]

Eponine: Somehow that doesn't make me feel better.

Fantine: But it makes Marius happy.

Eponine: Oh, I know, I know... I love seeing him happy, seeing his smile, but why couldn't he see that? Why couldn't he see me? He might've if it were for that silly little twit...

Fantine: [Fantine cuts her off, but not harshly.] Hey, you should know that that's my little girl you're talking about?

Eponine: You're little girl? Cosette? [Recognition flashes in her eyes.] You're Fantine! [It is Fantine's turn to be surprised.] I've always remembered hearing my parents talk about Cosette's mother. At first I thought you must have really hated her to leave her with us, but then I saw how my parents cheated you and you still always sent whatever they asked for. I didn't know that people could care so much for their kids. After all that, the way I treated Cosette, you're here with me, why?

Fantine: Oh, Eponine, I don't blame you for how Cosette was treated. You didn't know any better. And look at all you've done for her...bringing Marius to her, stopping your father from robbing the house. I know it was because of Marius, but if you were truly a mean person you would have never showed him the way. Now I think it's your turn to have a friend with you, this is no time to be alone.

Eponine: [A few tears sliding down her cheek.] You're the first person that's said I'm a good person...

Fantine: [Wiping her tears away.] And I won't be the last, not where we're going. Now, there's no more reason for tears. I'll wait with until Marius comes and then I'll take you home.

[Time passes, Eponine's death happens as usual.]

Eponine: And then do you know M. Marius, I believe I was a little in love with you...

[She dies and in the next moment her spirit is beside Fantine. Fantine extends her hand, Eponine takes it uncertainly, then smiles, truly happy, and they disappear.]

Dialogue 22: Azelma

A "confrontation" between Azelma and Enjolras. (Once you read it you'll know why I call it that)

(Enjolras is seated at the barricade, thinking. His thoughts are interrupted as he notices a slight figure appear. He looks up. The girl standing before him is very underweight with scraggly hair and eyes with a potential for passion.)

Girl: 'Scuse me. You the leader of this riot?

Enjolras: (Eyes narrow) It is a revolution. Yes, I am.

Girl: I'm Azelma. I've come to join you.

Enjolras: Mademoiselle, you will *die* here. There is very little chance we can survive. No matter how much we try or fight. And I will *NOT* allow an innocent to be killed for no reason.

Azelma: What have I to fear from death now?

Enjolras: You can't want to die!

Azelma: (laughs harshly) I don't feel pain anymore, Monsieur. There is not a drop of compassion left in me. I simply don't feel. Poverty and misery have hardened me.

Enjolras: If you want to die, please come up with another way. The barricade is for winning freedom. I can't have it used as a suicidal-anonymous meeting place. (Enjolras is a bit irked and very confused about this odd girl)

Azelma: (Without a hint of sadness) Say, that's my brother dead on the table.

Enjolras: (Winces and looks at her, confused) Your brother? Gavroche??

Azelma: Yeah. least he saw his chance to escape this world and took it.

Enjolras: (VERY angry) Listen to me, miss! Gavroche did NOT die because he wanted to! (Azelma remains can you get angry at someone who can't get angry back?) He died saving our barricade and with a purpose!

Azelma: Good for him. He tricked everyone into thinking he wanted to live...

Enjolras: He did not trick us!

Azelma: he would be remembered.

Enjolras: He was not some little guy who wanted to die! He wanted to live!

Azelma: He had absolutely no food, he was homeless...

Enjolras: If you knew his last words....

Azelma: ...and he had two little boys to take care of...

Enjolras: would change your stubborn, heartless mind.

Azelma: ...I'm sure he wanted to live.

Enjolras: He was a role model for every one one of us. You DON'T die trying to trick everyone.

Azelma: I'm just a waste of human flesh. It doesn't matter how I die.

Enjolras: Listen to me. EVERYONE, no matter how dedicated or noncaring, has a need or desire. You care, you just think you don't! You care so much that you've created your own personal barricade to keep out feelings. But I'm afraid it won't work. Whether you like it or not, that is my opinion.

Azelma: (slightly uncomfortable) Listen Monsieur...I'm miserable!! It's torture to be alive!! There came a point where the pain got so great I couldn't stand it anymore. The only thing left was to pretend it didn't hurt at all!!! (Now she is yelling and you see her full passion)

Enjolras: Gavroche pretended it didn't hurt as well. But even he was humble enough to admit it and try to live like he could have for the last hours of his life.

Azelma: I'm not that good...don't expect me to do the same!!!

Enjolras: Fine. But I do expect you to fight for the Republic if you intend to stay.

Azelma: Alright! Alright! I'LL FIGHT FOR YOUR D*MNED REPUBLIC!

Enjolras: (Glares BIG TIME...if looks could kill...) If that is your attitude, you can jump into the Seine!! You'll fight because you want to and NOT because you want to die! The Republic is NOT for people like that!! It's for people willing to work to be prosperous and people who want to live! DO YOU UNDERSTAND????

Azelma: Not really.

(Insurgents look over, see Enjolras with a girl, and understand.)

Enjolras: (VERY exasperated) How can you NOT understand? The Republic is NOT for people looking for an excuse to die!!!! (Enjolras finally realizes the futility and shuts up with a big glare.)

But hidden in his coat is a Red Right Hand ...
Round and round and back where you began ...
Guess where this leads you to then??
Here's some more, and new ones .. ;)
