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Zack's War Craft 2 Page

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Zack's Warcraft 2 and 3 Page

Dear website viewers: I updated the website today, February 9, 2000. I apoligize for not updating it for so long. I added some sweet Warcraft 3 screenshots. Go to the Warcraft 3 info link at the bottom of the page to see them. I bought Warcraft 2: Battle.Net edition today. It is very popular, and I reccomend you pick this up for its measly 10 dollar pricetag. All you people who have the old Warcraft 2 and play on Heat. net that think that this in the same as playing on heat, think again. Ths game was 80 % faster on Battle.Net than on Heat.Net. Remember to sign my guestbook if your dropping through, and drop me an email if you have any questions or suggestions. I will be updating the website more frequently now. Well, thats all for now. Zack Dedonis

Today, February 10, 2000, I updated again. I added a new Warcraft 3 picture. I also added a few links. Don't forget to email me.

Today, May 26, 2000, I did a hude update on the site. As you can see I've added a background to the page. I also did a huge update to the Warcraft 3 section. I added 11 new pictures and cleaned up the pictures page so you can view each image individually. My next update will be to got more info on Warcraft 3, and add more links for Wacraft 2. Please e-mail me.

Dear viewers: I had a person sign my guestbook today saying that Starcraft: Brood Wars can beat the Warcraft series anyday. I would just like to let you know that I fully agree that the Starcraft series is superior to the Warcraft series in many ways. I own both Starcraft and it's expansion pack, Brood Wars. I also own all the Warcraft series games. I have owned them all since each one came out. I am an avid fan of all the games from Blizzard including Diablo and Diablo 2. While these may seem like good reasons to create pages for them instead of Warcraft, I have decided not to at the time. If I do I will make them completely seperate sites that are just linked to mine. I created this site with one thing in mind back in 1996: to devote this page completley to all things Warcraft. And that is what I have done. If I get enough e-mails telling me to make seperate pages for Starcraft and the other Blizzard games, then I will. For now, I can happily reccomend you any game that Blizzard has made is worth the money. So enjoy those Blizzard games. See ya.

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