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Get to know about:


To my personal web page. My name is Joel. I live in Gwinnett county. I would like to tell you a little about myself. I am 35, 5'9" 215# brown hair & blue eyes. In my spare time I like to go to the movies, play video games, work on my computer, window shop, hangout with friends. and workout at BALLY'S. Mainly looking for friends to hang out with on the weekends and some evenings. If you would like to know more, just email or chat with me if I am online. You have now seen my pic feel free to send yours. :o)

Current Picture 2003


Older Picture 1994

MORDICA See page 2 for more. See my other webpage for fun links.

IF YOU WANT TO CHECK OUT "The Canonical Hanky Code" GO TO PAGE 2.

Page 2
Europe Vacation
Sample of My Crocheting
