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Here I have some secrets for 007.

On Bunker2, you can get throwing knifes. When you first exit the cell door, take a right and look down. There you will see throeing knifes. Use your magnet attract and you will have 11 knives.

On Caverns, you can get 2x assault riffles. Go to where you contact John Wade. Outside by the glass to your left will be a couple of boxes. Shoot them until you see 2 tv's. Blow each one up and you and there should be 1 assualt riffle for each one...

To get 2x rcp 90's, go to the end of Caverns and wait until the guy that are in black suit to come after you. Make sure that you have killed all the guys in the stage first. When the guys in black come, one of them should have 2x rcp90's.

On Train level, you can get a dosteviel(secret agent) or a rcp 90(agent). Go on and kill everybody on the first train and when you get to the end of the first train, blow up the top box on your left and there will be your weapon should be there.

In Archives, if you blow up the white drawers in front of you when you first start, you will get some ammo for your pp7.

In Silo, when you first start, go to the door, but don't open it. look down to right and you will see a blue ventalation. If you shoot or throw one your plastique, it we go through. What is it for?

Also, in Control, if you go through the first door that Natalya opens for you and go down the hall killing the 2 people in front of you. When you get to the place that gives you some remote mines, look up. What is that thing for? If you shoot rockets, it goes up forevere. If you shoot gernades and make it go over the edges, it doesn't explode either. Check it out.

In Facility, if you go to where the guy with the keycard and go left through the double doors, go straight until the hallway turns left, then look up and you'll see ventalations. If you use your zoom up and look very carefully, you can see some glass. If you continue to walk down the hallway and look up, you'll see another ventalation.

In Cradle, if you put fast animation on and end it, the helicopter will take off and then you will be flying in thin air. Try it out. It's pretty cool. GoldenEye 007 Secrets: Time Cheats

GoldenEye 007 Time Cheats


Almost every cheat in this game becomes available by beating levels under certain amount of time and on a set difficulty.

Below, is a list of cheats for every level in the game. You can also see the time by simply dying or beating a level on a difficulty listed blow. After you die or beat the level, the first screen will be Report and the second screen will be The Statistics. There you will see "Time" and "Target." The target is the time that you need to beat the level under. If you beat it under that time, then the red words "[New Cheat Available]" will appear next to target time.





Level 1: Dam

Paintball Mode

Secret Agent


Level 2: Facility


00 Agent


Level 3: Runway

DK Mode



Level 4: Surface

2x Grenade Launcher

00 Agent


Level 5: Bunker

2x Rocket Launcher

00 Agent


Level 6: Silo

Turbo Mode



Level 7: Frigate

No Radar (Multi)

Secret Agent


Level 8: Surface

Tiny Bond

00 Agent


Level 9: Bunker

2x Throwing Knives



Level 10: Statue

Fast Animation

Secret Agent


Level 11: Archives


00 Agent


Level 12: Streets

Enemy Rockets



Level 13: Depot

Slow Animation

Secret Agent


Level 14: Train

Silver PP7

00 Agent


Level 15: Jungle

2x Hunting Knives



Level 16: Control

Infinite Ammo

Secret Agent


Level 17: Caverns

2x RC-P90s

00 Agent


Level 18: Cradle

Gold PP7



Level 19: Aztec

2x Lasers

Secret Agent


Level 20: Egyptian

All Guns

00 Agent




GoldenEye 007 Secrets: 2x Assault Rifles in Caverns

2x Assault Rifles in Caverns


In the Caverns level there is a way to get two assault rifles.

Find the radio room. There are many boxes scattered about. As soon as you enter this room turn right and go to the right corner. There will be a box. If you can't find it, just blow up every box in the room until you get to magic one. Blow it up and a smaller box will fly out. Blow this one up and another one will pop out. Now blow up the smallest box, which will have two computers inside. And finally inside the two computers there will be two assault rifles. You have to get both of them to get the second assault rifle.

Here is how to get the Goldengun in Egyption. The ED means exit door, ach square represents a block, and DG means drone gun. Good Luck!!!

My stragedy to beating facility under 2:05 in 00 Agent. First, go down the vent and go to the bottom of the stairs(not all the way down)and throw a remote mine at the wallany where that is not past the edge of the top balcony. Switch to the detnator and run down the stair and make a u turn to your left. Stand at the door and blow the bomb. Switch to slapping(not any gun because you might atrract the gaurds in the bathroom) and grab his gun and card. Run back out and open the security door. Run down the hallway and if there are any gys, shoot them once to stall them. Go through the first door, then the second, then go through the third door ignoring the two gaurds in the lockers to your left. Then switch to your soviet and when you go through the third door, there will be three gaurds. kill the guy on your left, the one in the middle, and the one on the left if possible. When doing this, you should be running as fast as you can. When you open the door to the door at the end of the hallway, move to the right to dodge the bullets. When it opens, go through and the door and the next door should be open with 2 or 3 gaurds. Kill one or two so that you can get through the door. Also when killing gaurds, try to get their weapons. after you go through the door, go left and kill the gaurds that are in your way. Shoot the Glass in front of you while you run towards the door. He will open the door and then kill him.. Go up the stair killing anyone in your way. Go inside and throw a mine at the door. If Dr. Doak is there talk to him (but if he isn't there, don't quit yet)and just wait until all or enough scientist are clear and blow up the mine. If Dr. Doak wasn't there, then go across to the next on with the 2 scientist. Let him talk and right when he talks, go to the door and use your door decoder.(there should be no gaurds left) Go to the bottling room and plant it between the bottles so taht each one blows up. Talk to 006 and go near the door. Wait till 006 is far enough from the bottles, then blow it up and go in the door. Your time should be between 2:00 and 2:05. Good Luck!!!

Here is my strategy for Archives to beat under 1:20. When you first start, kill the guy on the right. Get his gun and key. Go through the door and go straight through the second door. Go yp the stairs and go left. Ignore any gaurds. Go through the door and then go through the first door on your left. Go open the door for Nayalya and just wait till she sees you and says something. Go through the double doors on your right, down the stairs and the first door on your right. Then go left through the door and take another left. Talk to Mishkin and when he gives you the key, be ready to shoot him in the head. After you kill him, get the flight recorder from the safe and go out the door on your right, and go straight through the door, then shoot out the glass while your running and run out. It should take around 1:18 or 1:19. It may take a few times, but you'll get it sooner or later.

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