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**The side border shows 3 generations of my family**

Twisted cliches on parade

  • A new cousin a day keeps the boredom away.
  • A family history shows you've really lived!
  • Genealogists never die; they just lose their census.
  • All right, everybody out of the gene pool!
  • Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.
  • Genealogy made me what I am today.
  • Where there's a will, I want to be in it.
  • I think that I shall never see a completed genealogy.
  • Genealogy is relatively interesting.
  • A great oak is only a little nut that held it's ground.
  • Genealogy: It's all relative in the end anyway.
  • If your family tree doesn't fork, you might be a redneck.

Uh... science?

  • A great many family trees were started by grafting.
  • Genetic engineering: Heir styling.
  • Genealogica Bonsai: Little family trees.
  • Genealogy: The Theory of Relativity.


  • I was looking for my roots, but it was the wrong tree.
  • I'm not stuck, I'm ancestrally challenged.
  • Okay, so I don't descend from anyone... now what?
  • Now that I've given up hope I feel much better.
  • My head is sore, and there's a hole in the brick wall!
  • My family tree is full of notholes... it's NOT him, it's NOT her!
  • Genealogy can sometimes be a really dead end hobby!
  • Columbus had a fourth ship - it sailed over the edge.
  • Genealogy is like a hay stack full of needles, but I need the threads.
  • I need not suffer in silence... I can moan, whimper and complain.
  • I think I'm parked diagonally in a parallel universe.

Genealogical bumper stickers?

  • Warning: Dates in calendar are closer than they appear.
  • Genealogists live in the past lane.
  • Just follow my roots. I'll turnip somewhere!
  • Ankle deep in the gene pool.
  • Vampires are blood relatives.
  • Genealogy means chasing your own tale.
  • It's a family affair.
  • Fastest way to trace your family tree: run for public office.
  • Genealogy: It keeps going, and going, and going...

What Did You Say?

  • "Any ancestors you can dig up would be appreciated."
  • "He died at the end of the War of Disease."
  • "I am not on the Internet but I do have E-mail."
  • On a tombstone: "I told you I was sick."
  • "I am looking for PLENTY."
  • "Do any of you by chance have her in your data?"
  • "Looking for BORING surname, anytime, anyplace."
  • "My Heads and at least one brother moved to..."
  • At a reunion: "I'm John Smith." "And who were you before you married?"
  • "Looking for anything you may have."
  • "Hunting RABBITT in NYC and elsewhere."
  • Sign at junkyard next to cemetery: "Used Body Parts."
  • "As he was on wife #4, I think his health was probably ok, till the very end."
  • "If this sounds familiar, please give me a zap."
  • "Seeking GOOD family members, any help appreciated."
  • "Possibly she was born with a different surname."
  • "Thank you for reading this long boring query."
  • "Does anyone know anything about finding Crest for families?"
  • "Yes, I came across some DYERs at a very old cemetery."
  • "Shaver headed the 38th Infantry."
  • "I don't wanna mails from ROOTS no more. So Please stop sending mails to me."
  • "I... found the names of two family heads..."
  • "The wife may have been ASKEW."
  • "I have children for the rest and I'm willing to share."
  • Found in Waterloo IA death records: "Cause of death: Studying too hard."
  • "I am trying to tie him into the family."
  • "I do not know if that address is still any good after 2 wars."
  • "I have many dates in cemeteries, if anyone is interested."
  • "I am looking for FELLOWS."
  • "Subject: Revelotionary records"
  • "If anything fits, please let me know!"
  • "Have mush information on George's line..."
  • "...let me know and I'll supply the rest of the children."
  • "I am still hitting a dead end wall."
  • "To whom it may concern, My name is **** *******. I am looking
    for family history."
  • "I have been chasing this fellow for 20 years..."
  • "No one said this is for dead people only."
  • "Would also be interested in any links to sites specializing in BACON."
  • "I do not have access to the Internet...
    just E-mail... so any help is very appreciated."
  • "When she died, she was his widow."
  • "I have one son named George and one named Robert.
    Does anyone know who the father is?"
  • "I do recall relations with a Harold and Helen, but do not
    know if they are related."
  • "(The clerk got carried away, he is not mine.)"
  • "I have been stuck here for 20 years."
  • "...this is probably the only way I will ever tie some
    of these folks up..."
  • "If you have any... HIGH descendants... I would appreciate
    VERY MUCH hearing from you..."
  • "...that more people died of the flue than from the war
    was one of the tragedies of the war."
  • " willing to check cemeteries and take pictures of
    persons known to be buried..."
  • "I'm hoping to find my way all the way back to Africa,
    but I need help."
  • "...went to the Church and went threw the Microfilm."
  • "I have 6 of their children with birth dates."
  • "She died in Childbirth, Mississippi."
  • "If interested in the above marriage e-mail me."
  • "The Hasty information is still being added, a bit at a time."

Genealogical insults

  • Your ancestors were real swingers... from trees and gallows.
  • When you were born, your mother had a bad heir day.
  • You're the Dutch Elm disease of your family tree.
  • You must be the fertilizer for your family tree.
  • Every family tree has some sap in it... I guess you're it.
  • Your ancestry must be a river, since you're such a drip.
  • You're living proof that the gene pool should be chlorinated!

Puns and other word play

  • A little a'disk and a little a'data.
  • Man has his will. Woman has her won't.
  • Genealilocks and the forebears.
  • Ghosts are merely unsubstantiated roomers.
  • Genealogy isn't fatal, but it can be a grave disease.
  • Microfiche: Sardines.
  • My genes are faded and full of holes!
  • Genealogists are like monkeys, always in trees.
  • Searching shipping records: naval gazing.
  • I am not illiterate! My parents WERE SO MARRIED!

Uh... romance?

  • Genealogists do it for centuries.
  • Genealogists do it with dead relatives.
  • Genealogists will date any old thing.
  • Genealogy in the buff... I mean a genealogy buff!

Can you relate?

  • Friends come and go, but relatives tend to accumulate.
  • A family reunion is an effective form of birth control.
  • Friends may come and go, but relatives never leave.
  • Be nice to your kids. They'll choose your nursing home.
  • My problems are all relative. Just too many of them.
  • Insanity is hereditary - you get it from your children.
  • The young know how to break rules; the old know how to
    break them effectively.
  • It is hereditary in my family to not have children.
  • Old genealogists are simply chronologically gifted!
  • Learn from your parents mistakes - use birth control!
  • He ain't heavy... He's my brother's aunt's sister's husband.
  • My kids will appreciate the research I've done... when pigs fly.
  • Any family tree produces some lemons, nuts and bad apples.
  • Heredity: Everyone believes in it until their children act like fools.
  • Climbing my family tree was fun until the nuts appeared.
  • Insanity runs in many families; in mine it gallops.
  • My family coat of arms ties at the back... is that normal?

Our 4 fathers?

  • Misers are hard to live with, but they make fine ancestors.
  • I found out that half of my forefathers were female.
  • Ancestors can hide, but they can't RUN... anymore!
  • Ancestors run in my family.
  • I'm always late. My ancestors must have arrived on the Juneflower.

Genealogists Only!

  • Genealogy - where you confuse the dead and irritate the living.
  • A job is nice but it interferes with genealogy.
  • "Give me your tired, your poor..." Hey, they're genealogists!
  • I bet you thought I was going to use a genealogy tagline!
  • Research: What I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
  • If you're not confused, you're not paying attention.
  • If you spell it g-e-n-e-o-l-o-g-i-s-t, you ain't one.
  • Whoever said "seek and ye shall find" wasn't a genealogist.
  • To a genealogist, everything is relative and a relative is everything.
  • I only work on genealogy on days that end in Y.
  • Don't be afraid, cemetery ghosts are only genealogists with lanterns.
  • Genealogist: Always in search of a good dead man!
  • FLOOR: The place for storing your priceless genealogy records.
  • When I'm real old, I'm gonna kick this genealogy habit!
  • Genealogy goes on... and on... and on...
  • A single fact can spoil a good genealogy.
  • A well-written life is as rare as a well-spent one.

Puters and the Net

  • A computer is a typewriter with an attitude.
  • Computer Genealogy: tracing your system's roots back to the abacus.
  • Computers can never replace human stupidity.
  • The truth is out there... Anyone know the URL?
  • Synonym: a word you use when you can't spell the other.
  • I'm not illiterate, I just type that way.
  • My software does not have bugs... it just develops random features.
  • All computers wait at the same speed.
  • ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI!
  • If you think you're confused now, just wait until tech support explains it.

Random Thoughts

  • You can't have everything... where would you put it?
  • We are born naked, wet and hungry. Then things get worse.
  • Don't take life too seriously... after all, it won't last forever.
  • Dead people like to hang around cemeteries.
  • Adam and Eve probably found genealogy boring.
  • I wish Noah had swatted those two flies.
  • Life is only as long as you live it.
  • Can a first cousin once removed come back?
  • If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.
  • To err is human; to moo is bovine.
  • May I please be excused? My brain is full.
  • Some mornings it's just not worth gnawing through the straps.
  • It is fatal to live too long.
  • Mother is the invention of necessity.
  • Life is too short and you're dead too long.
  • Does killing time damage eternity?
  • Time is the thing that keeps stuff from happening all at once.


Border by Mountainwinds