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Kino's Crystal Tokyo page

Hiya! Im Kino from mIRC and this is my page! I'm dedicating this page to the hentai'st place on Undernet, #CrystalTokyo
I have many things for you to download, but I don't know how to do it! ack!

Some background info:

#CrystalTokyo was founded by Darien, the king of all hentai, Malachite, the lord of cool, and Lunasea, the lady of confusement, (im in there somewhere as the jack of halarity) when AmonRa and Strago deleted everyone's access in #MoonPalace. Mal registared the #CrystalTokyo, but it took almost a month for the bot to arrive. The goal of the channel is to grow larger than #MoonPalace. #CrystalTokyo is a nice place to visit, so why not drop by some time?

Now for the real links:

Unoffical SquareSoft page
Page Two
All about me

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