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GOOD NEWS! The Board has extended the deadline for the trip to Pensacola. The new deadline to reserve your place for the trip to Pensacola is September 7. The cost is $130.00 for members and $140.00 for guests or $80.00 for members or $90.00 for guests if you have already paid your deposit.

FYI--September 3,4,5,6 is the Altrusa Book Sale at the former Trust Company Bank Building on Holly Ave. just off Veteran's Parkway. Come buy some books from Anne Pergl.

Saturday--4-th Join your friends at Jean Grierson's for a Labor Day Celebration. Bring your bathing suit, a towel, and a folding chair. Jean has a great pool! Also bring a dish to share. The club will furnish barbecue and drinks. Also, BYOB! Cost is $4.00 for members and $6.00 for guests.

Tuesday--7-th. Join your friends at the Business/Membership meeting at Castello's on Milgin Road near the Publix (site of the former Buck and Clyde's. Dinner 6 PM/Meeting 7 PM. We'll be discussing the September activities and the up-coming September Mixer. This is the deadline to reserve your place for the trip to Pensacola.. . cost is $130.00 for members and $140.00 for guests or $80.00 for members or $90.00 for guests if you have already paid your deposit.

Friday -10-th 6:00PM-9:00 PM. Let's make lots of new friends at the Public Mixer down at the Hilton. We're having complementary snacks, and a cash bar, and we hope to attract a great many prospective members. This would be a good time for each of us to invite someone we know to get involved in Friends. We had many new members as a result of the March Mixer. Let's keep up this great effort to make our club grow!

Sunday-13-th Join your Friends for Brunch at the Holiday Inn North on the Manchester Expressway. They have a wonderful buffet. Lunch begins at 12:15.

Thursday-16-th Board Meeting tonight, 7:00 P.M. at Anne Pergl's. Come and share ideas for our club.

Friday-17-th Join Doris Tice at the Human Experience Theater for a fun evening of One Act Plays. Call the theater for a reservation (323-3689) and be sure to ask for the Doris Tice table. Doors of the Theater open at 7:15 P.M. Bring a picnic basket and join your Friends for an exciting evening. Be sure to call early in the month as the little theater has a way of selling out. It's a very popular place.

Thursday-23-rd Join your Friends in Pensacola. The Fall Florida trip will be held September 23, 24, 25, and 26. This is a three night stay at the Sandy Keys Condominiums in Pensacola, Florida. There is a seafood festival at this time as well as 187+ arts and crafts exhibits. This should be a great trip. There are also side trips available to Biloxi and to Mobile to the Nicholas and Alexandra exhibit, but you will need to make your own plans for accommodations. Talk to Joan about Biloxi or Eleanor about Mobile. They were interested in going.

FYI-- The Buick Challenge begins on September 27 at Callaway Gardens and ends October 3.

Tuesday 30-th Join your Friends at 7:00 PM at Rio Bravo for Drinks and Dinner ! This would be another good time to invite a guest to check out our club!