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Saturday- May 29-th Join your Friends at Tom McKibben's cabin at Lake Harding for the club's annual Memorial Day party. Bring your bathing suit, your fishing pole, and anything else you want to bring, and come on out to the lake. Cost is $4.00 for members and $6.00 for guests . There should be a lot of great food, and a great time for everybody. Also…BYOB.

Tuesday –1-st Join your friends at the Business/Membership meeting at Crystal River on the Manchester Expressway. Dinner 6 PM/Meeting 7 PM. We'll be discussing the June activities.

Saturday-5-th Join a group of your Friends for drinks and fun at the Loft. Then the fun continues with the Backyard Boogie downtown. Tom McKibben will be your host for this event.

Thursday-10-th Board Meeting tonight, 7:00 PM at Tom’s (660-9598) 3401 Chesley Dr.

Sunday-13-th Join your Friends for Lunch at the Sheraton. They have a wonderful buffet. Lunch begins at 12:15. Audrey Brown will be our hostess. See you there.

Wednesday 16-th Join your Friends at 5:30 at El Vaquero for Happy Hour. Tom McKibben will be our host.

Friday-18-th Join Doris Tice at the Human Experience Theater for "Between The Ages". Call the theater for a reservation (323-3689) and be sure to ask for the Doris Tice table. Doors of the Theater open at 7:15 P.M. Bring a picnic basket and join your Friends for an exciting evening.


Saturday-19-th Join your Friends for dinner and Bingo at Heath Park. Dinner is covered dish and begins at 6:00 P.M. The club will provide the meat and sodas, and members bring a dish, a "white elephant" prize, and BYOB. Cost is $4.00 for members and 6.00 for guests. Sal Reale will be your host.

Saturday-26-th Join your Friends for dinner and dancing. We’ll meet at Blockbuster on the Airport Throughway at 6:00 P.M. and carpool to Eufaula. We’ll eat at the Lake Point Resort, and then go dancing at the VFW.

Friday--29-th RedStixx Baseball! Take me out to the ball game…Let's meet Anne Pergl your hostess at the ball park at 6:00 P.M. and have a hot dog and some peanuts for supper! Of course you can have your choice of the many fine foods offered at the stadium. Let's cheer the team.