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Frida Kahlo-Tortured Painter

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The BEST Frida page ever!-Click here.
Salma Hayek set to play Frida in an upcoming movie!

Frida Kahlo was Mexico's most outstanding artist. Her life was short, and she painted over 200 paintings, mostly self-portraits: "I paint myself because I am so often alone." She was born in 1907 in Coyoacan,Mexico and died there in 1954. All the pain that she experienced in her life, emotional and physical, she poured onto the canvas. Her style was often called surreal. Surrealists freed themselves from showing people things as they looked in the "normal world". When she met her husband, Diego Rivera, he encouraged her to wear native mexican clothing. Frida braided her hair with bright ribbons and put flowers on her head, and wore lots of costume jewelry. She was not a true "Tehuana" native, but it looked just right on her.Her marriage to Diego was stormy. Each of them had affairs. Frida was openly bisexual and had affairs with Dolores del Rio, Nikolas Muray, Isamu Noguchi, Georgia O'Keefe, Paulette Goddard, Maria Felix and Leon Trotsky. Diego had many affairs but the one he had with Frida's sister, Cristina, hurt her the most. They divorced in 1939 and remarried in 1940 but chose to live separate. Frida Kahlo's work became popular in the 1980's. Salma Hayek is cast as Frida in a movie that will be out next year, based on the biography, "Frida" by Hayden Herrera.