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My Little Corner Of The World

~I Learned To Sign~
~When I Lost My Voice~

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This is my little girl Millisa
Born April 1st, 1996
~Click On Her Nose To See Her Favorite WebSite~

No~Thought For The Day


At the beach when the tide is going out,
the waves recede and it seems
that nothing is happening in the sea.
But the truth is that the great swells
are gathering strength beneath the waters,
building energy for the time the tide will return...
It's similar to times in our lives
when something we have depended on is gone
and we are left with a feeling of emptiness and sadness.
At times like this we can take heart.
Knowing that an unseen strength is building within us.
And if we can only be patient
relying on a sure faith,
the tide of life will turn
and happiness and fulfillment
will once again return to us.

~Dean Walley~

Click On Millisa's House To Peek At Me
[I'm in the doghouse for the moment]

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The World Around My Little Corner
Manchester Georgia

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