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Planeswalking is the art of leaving your body to travel in other planes of existence. It is also known as traveling. Astral projection is a major part of planeswalking. You have to be willing to open yourself to new levels to planeswalk. There are many other planes of existence, and these are the names commonly used in the psi. We are on the physical plane, sometimes known as material or prime material. The nearest is the astral plane, then the etheric plane, then the causal plane, which is the junction of all times and alternate timelines. These are the Inner Planes. The Outer Planes are the nether plane, a place of shadowy nothingness, the energy plane, the elemental plane, and the demonic planes. These names are, of course, not universally used, so if you have different names or even different orders, likely they are correct also, as perception of the planescape is highly subjective. I have merely used the familiar names that my psi group uses. To planeswalk, you should find a quiet spot where you will be undisturbed. Sit or lie comfortably, and try to "rise up" out of your body. You will find that if you reach another plane, it has a different feel than this one. That's how you know you have done it. You should keep a blanket around, as most people feel cold after returning because of the energy you have expended, and because your metabolism slows down a bit on extended planeswalks, letting your body cool off half of a degree to two full degrees. You also should have a trusted friend monitor, that is, watch your body, the first few times in case of problems. You should have a trained healer monitor any planeswalk over 12 hours, if possible. It is possible for your vacant body to go into convulsions while you are absent; this is why you should have a monitor. Note that you can die while planeswalking. If you, on the planescape, die, your body may continue on leftover energy until this is gone, or the vital processes may simply cease. If your body is killed while you are seperated from it, your consciousness can survive, but you will be weak and disoriented for a time, but more rarely you are not aware until you try to return to it. You can still be reborn, or choose to continue on the planescape for awhile.


Inner Planes
Outer Planes
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