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Godzilla Super NES games

Super Godzilla and Godzilla super battles are the ones shown here, I got an emulator and the Godzillas Greatest Battles up, which means BOTH of those files are part of Godzilla super battles, alot of people have been having trouble downloading them, so I decided to help abit.

Ok, first, download both files, in the same directory as zsnes(try going to and getting a newer version then that) WHen its all done, unzip Godzilla1 into the same directory, say c:/zsnes. When your done that, open Zsnes and load the game, now, the hard part, after you've set up the controls you wish, you have to enter the game very fast, just hit what ever button you need, select what ever character you want and whatever enemy, if the screen goes black and plays the didn't do it right. hit escape and restart, try again. WHEN you finally get into the game, I suggest hitting escape and saving it under the 'save stat' area. loose the fight, it should go back to the beggining menu again, save this again, and when you enter the game, load the game, then this save when you want to play. I have codes and can give you move lists, but you gotta ask nice!

Godzilla part 1
Godzilla part 2


[an error occurred while processing this directive] Beat, my high score, this isn't godzilla, but if your looking for games, also, get shockwave. BTW My high score is 264, beat that and email me, you get a free...umm....I don't know, but you'll get it...(alt+print screen to get a snapshot, make users Shift command and 3. You need the proof to get the prize)