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Presentation TY Fashion Show

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Hey everyone this is the first news post on this site! I know it looks a bit bare at the moment but I will be putting pictures up of the costumes we (the Transition Years) made ASAP. Some of these pictures will be appearing in the Nationalist next week. I know that nearly all the links are under construction but I'll have them fixed as soon as I can I just need to get more information.

Anyway, audtions are being held on Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th for models and acts from the Pres. All students from non-exam years are welcome to audition.


Auditons went ahead as planned for the acts on Monday. Many acts audtioned, each very entertaining. Ms. Fennell and Mrs. Murphy will decide who is to perform on the night and will announce the acts soon. In other news the modeling audtions were put forward a day to Wednesday at lunchtime. We would ask any senior auditioning to bring high heels with them.

Also, the Our Creations part of this website should be up soon depending on how soon people have their outfit descriptions written for me.

Created by Sarah Condon 2006