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+ biographical SKETCH +

+ Name: Christina Collazo

+ Age: 19

+ D.O.B: March 25, 1987

Hello everyone! My name is Christina and I was born & raised in Japan (military brat). After moving around for a few years, I finally landed on the beautiful island about four years ago. I then graduated from Moanalua High School in the year 2005. I am currently a Sophomore [ALMOST a Junior]at HPU. My major is Nursing and I hope to start in Spring 07. I chose Nursing as a major because I am very interested in the field (and it is not because everyone is taking it). I hope that my passion for nursing will guide me in the right direction and help me be successful in the future.

I am currently a full-time student and hold two part-time jobs on the side. Although I have a busy and hectic schedule, I still manage to find time for myself. Throughout the week I am crammed with work and school, but when the weekend comes, I mostly spend my freetime with my family and friends. My hobbies are dancing (polynesian, hip-hop, and so on), going to the beach, and sleep (which is something I WISH I could do more often). I am pretty calm and always up for making new friends!

I am looking forward to the rest of this semester!!