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Alternative Certification

Alternative Certification


The Kaplan School

Offers online courses toward a masters degree in education. All you do is pay for the online classes and complete the online work. After you pass, you are awarded a teaching certificate and can apply for a job in whichever state your license is valid in.

Teach for America

 A non-profit organization that places ind ividuals in schools with lower socio-economic students in an attempt to ensure all students receive the education they deserve. Teach for America teachers are recent college graduates asked to spend two years in a school within a low-income community. They are assisted in receiving a teaching license and the simple skills needed to teach. They receive regular teacher salaries and are also eligible for programs that pay off student loans and other benefits.


This program was established in 1994 by the Department of Education to alleviate the unemployment of recently retired service people as well as to fill empty American classrooms. Similar to Teach for America , the teachers are often placed in classrooms in low-income communities. Those eligible receive up to $10,000 to assist them in receiving a teaching certification. They are then required to teach for three years.