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Home of the Funky Simmons Chics

Welcome to the home of the Too Kool, Too Hip, Too Funky Simmons Chics!
Our names are Shania, Sadie Belle, and Scarlet and are 9, 3 and 6 mos old, respectively.
We want to tell you a little about us. We are 3 beautiful sisters who love to laugh, dress up, shop and have

We each have our own page that we have helped our mom create for us.(With the exception of Scarlet,
who only helped mom by sleeping though the building of her page!) It shows a little about us,
our personality and the things we like.

Welcome to our World!!!

My Favorite Web Sites

Ebay----Where the FSC's get all the hip new styles!
Gymboree---The smallest FSCs' Favorite store
