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Cleveland Tennessee Newspapers 1875 - 1879

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Greene County TN m: 1856 - 1862
Greene County TN WILLS Vol A-Z 1780 - 1883
Union Grove Cemetery Bradley Co. TN
Lawson Family TN & VA
September 16,1875 - November 25,1875
December 2,1875 - June 30, 1876
July 14,1876 - September 29,1876
October 6,1876 - December 15,1876
January 12, 1877 - June 21, 1877
June 21,1877 - December 6,1877
January00, 1878 - June 00, 1878
June 13,1878 - October 17, 1878
October 17, 1878 - June 5, 1879
June 12, 1879 - October 23, 1879
October 24,1879 - December 25, 1879

Transcribed from microfilm 2002 by Susan Langheld.
Given for your search of fellow family members. NO right is given for copying whole or part for any public uses.



Sheriff Greene has resigned his office --- the county court elected one Mr. Smith to fill the vacancy.

Dr. R. K. Watkins is having his residence painted. It is about the finest house in the city.

Mrs. Thompson is building a nice residence.

Mr. Jesse Ragon is shipping every day a carload of iron ore from here. He is also making some improvements on his mill.

Mr. H. Holder and Miss Mary Isham were married , by Rev. D. Fowler.

Bess Cowan and Perry Gaut have been killing all the miners and tadpoles in the country--keep them at home.

Col. Edwards is somewhat of a "fibist" too.

If you want a good square meal, stop at W.W. Dickey's hotel when you come here. They do things up brown. OLD PARD.

MARRIED at the residence of the brides father in this city on the 8th inst by Rev. J. S. Porter -- Mr. H.W. Lynn of Knoxville to Miss Alice Hunt.

At the residence of J.H. Gaut in this city on the 8th inst by Rev. T.M. Boyd -- Mr. J.R. Walker of Rogersville, Tenn. to Miss Agnes M. Luckey of this city.

The HOLSTON METHODIST is scared over the " Civil Rights Bill" yet. Brothers Prices and Thomas don't fret , the niggers don’t want to associate with you. And if you don’t quit trying to run a " Religious -- Political Organ" you will have to associate with some powerful bad folks in regions below.

DIED Rev. Elijah Still died at his residence in this county on the 12th inst. of heart disease. He was near seventy years of age.

Mr. Ed Burgess is able to be up again. He will probably take charge of his office the last of the week.

Mr. Frank Leeper has been home sick for the last two weeks, but at this writing he is improving slowly and we hope he may be able to be out in a few days.

Cheap Fast Freight Line. Boston Agent = W.M. Clark 74 Washington St. New York Agent- C.E. Evans 303 Broadway St. , Philadelphia Agent- John T. Wilson ,14 South Fifth St. Baltimore Agent- W.M. Lawson, 157 West Baltimore St.

Wm. P. Rodefer M.D. Physician and Surgeon Cleveland TN residence on Lea Street.

J.H. Gaunt Attorney at Law Cleveland TN Practices in the 4th Judicial Circuit Court and Supreme Court.

Creed Bates Attorney at Law Cleveland TN Will practice in counties of Bradley, Polk, McMinn, James and everywhere by special arrangement. Attention given to collection of Claims.

W.W. Stevenson Practical House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger Corner of Worth and Meadow Streets.

S.W. Day Physician and Surgeon

J.D. Robertson Undertaker


Tuesday, the case of the State vs. P.D.K Bloom charged with the murder of Lou Bates, was taken up and consumed two days. Thursday morning the verdict of not guilty. 'P.B Mayfield, J.H. and S.P Gaut, R.M. Edwards and C. F. Bates of Cleveland, J.N. Aiken of Charleston, W. L. Harbison of Sweetwater, and Gen. Fraizer were all on hand for the trial.

Joe Callaway thinks himself mighty big strutting around here with his white clothes on.

DIED Mr. A. J. Collins aged 56 years, on the 18th of this month in this city. He had been afflicted with consumption for several years. He formally lived in Polk County.

J.R. Seabourn is authorized to receive and receipt for subscription for the HERALD.

In this city on the 15th of April, by the Rev. G. D. Oviatt - Mr. Geo. Hain to Miss Mattie Lowe, daughter of Henderson Lowe of this city.

On the 8th day of April, 1875, at the residence of the bride in Bradley County by Rev. R. H. Guthrie - Gabe Deford to Mrs. Zellah White.

Dr. S. H. Day, who formerly lived in Cleveland, but is late of Birmingham, Ala, has moved back to Cleveland. We welcome the Doctor back, and wish him much success in his profession.

April 29,1875 Cleveland Herald

Wm. B. Fetzer VS. James W. Millard In obedience to a decree of said court rendered at its February term 1875 in the above stated cause, I will on the 5th day of June 1875, expose to public sale to the highest bidder at the court house door in Cleveland, Bradley county Tennessee, the following described land to wit: The Northeast quarter of section one, township three, range one, West of the basic line, Ocoee District in said county and state, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay the sum of 640.00 and accruing interest from the 22nd day of February last, and cost of this cause. Terms cash in hand. April 29th, 1875. W.H. McKamy, C&M J.W. Ramsey, Compt Atty


At the residence of the bride's father in this county on the 20th of April, by Rev. G.D. Ovaitt - Mr. Richard Kerr of this city to Miss A.F. McCausland.

Anderson Campbell is lying at the point of death at his home in this county, three miles east of Cleveland.


On the 25th inst. by Rev. L.L. H. Carlock, Mr. C.D. Millard to Miss M. C. Boyd, daughter of Robt. Boyd, all of this county.


Rhoda, daughter of Jehn G. Carter of Charleston, died very suddenly at her home on Saturday last of Rheumatism of the Heart. Aged about eleven years.


Monroe County is reported caught again- if such the case he should be kept this time.


On July 30th 1875, WILLIE E. S. son of Rev. J.B. & N.J.F. HUNT, Age 3 years 6 months and 16 days.

May 13,1875 Cleveland Herald


Miss E. H. Chambers daughter of Wm. Chambers of this county, on the 9th inst. Age about 25 years.

CHILD LOST- On Sunday evening last a small child only two years old of Mr. Jesse Smitherman, living near the edge of Polk County strayed off from home. The alarm was given in the neighborhood, and the whole community turned out in search of it. Mr. Smitherman and son who were in this city were sent for - but up to this writing (Tuesday morning) nothing has been heard from it. It was of course out in the storm Sunday night, and no telling whether it is alive or not. Since writing above we understand the child was found about two miles from home wading in a branch. The little fellow must have had a lonely time by itself in the woods. The first thing it wanted was something to eat, having been without for several hours.

May 20,1875 Cleveland Herald


Mrs. Sarah Edwards died in this city on the 18th of this month- aged about 52 years. Mrs. Edwards had been, up to her death, a member of the M.E. Church South for fourty years. Three miles east of this city, at about 12 o'clock on Wednesday the 12th inst. after an illness of several weeks, Mr. Anderson Campbell, aged about 70 years.

May 27,1875 Cleveland Herald


Mrs. Phoebe C. Horton, consort of Wm. G. Horton, died in Athens on the 16th instant, after several weeks illness. Deceased was a daughter of the late James Steed of this vicinity. Was born June 4th 1828, joined the M.E. Church at Cedar Springs in 1844, and was married October 12, 1848. She lived a consistent Christian- a devote wife and affectionate mother, and a kind and thoughtful neighbor. The broken family circle have the sympathy of the entire community in the sad bereavement which has come upon them.


And her it is again-- Green Ross , up in the 9th district, has gone and got married a month ago, and never let a "fellow" know anything about it. Well, we will have a chance to pay him back some time.


At his residence in this city on the morning of May 21st 1875 - Rev. George D. Ovaitt, Pastor of the First Baptist Church of this place, in the fifty-fourth year of his age. The subject of this notice was born in Trumbull Co. Ohio, Jan. 5th 1821. Since the late war has made this place his home and center for several pursuits, and especially for labor in the Lord's Vineyard, for which he was so eminently qualified by Grace Divine. In early life he became convinced of the need of a Savior, and using his own language, :when a little fellow going to Sunday school his little heart was drawn out in love to God who of his own goodness and mercy led him to trust in Jesus, the only name given among men, whereby we can be saved "From that time he loved to look and linger in the face of Jesus Christ, but like many others felt a diffidence in avowing his attachment to Jesus, battling all the time with convictions of duty and the subtle workings of sin whispering in his ear, his youth and inability to honor Jesus. At age 20 years of age he publicly acknowledged Jesus, at a meeting in Wayne County Ohio and was immersed by Elder Shaule into the fellowship of the Milton Baptist Church. Possessing as he did rare gifts, he was licenses to preach the Everlasting Gospel of the Son of God. In this, his preeminently gifted sphere, God work with him and through him to salvation of many precious souls who, in the resurrection morn "will shine as stars in his crown of rejoicing" In Ohio and Tennessee his principal fields of labor- very many sons and daughters were brought into the Kingdom of God's dear Son, in whose hearts his memory will live as an Oasis in a barren land. Adopting Tennessee as his future home, among men true to his manhood, and fealty to God, he lived in the hearts of all who knew him, a monumental evidence, of what sinful erring man may be and do in social status and Christian fidelity, strong in his affections, he drew around him the hearts of all whom he came in contact. As a man of business he commanded confidence, as a Christian he stood forth a shining light. In his death the community has lost one of its most valuable citizens. The Church of which he was pastor and the Denomination at large are shorn of one of the great center powers of life. Long may his memory live in the hearts of the children of God. He leaves a devotedly attached wife, daughter, and kindred associates to morn his separation from them, sharing his joys and dividing his sorrows one and inseparable in life, dropping the tear of sorrow over his emancipated form, they look beyond to that "city whose maker and builder is God- whither he has gone, where they shall meet the Sacramental Host of God of which he stands recognized as one redeemed by the blood of Jesus, to swell the song of redeeming love throughout eternity. He was buried by Christian friends, and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows- of which he was a member-At Cleveland, Tennessee, on May 21.1875

Ku-Klux made a raid on some houses above town last Monday night, and report says that: "they left not one log upon another"- Well done thou good and faithful servants.

June 3,1875 Cleveland Herald

Mr. J. K. Clinghan had some seventy dollars stolen from him one day last week.


A negro boy named Hugh Sharp 18 years old a resident of McMinn county Tenn. was drowned at Athens on Sunday, while bathing in Cleage's mill pond. Sharp had been a hand on gravel train of the East Tennessee VA & GA Railroad.

Mr. J.M. Crow while traveling in the edge of Polk County, on the Conasauga River about 14 miles from here, came across an Indians grave upon which was the following noticeable inscription: SACRED to the memory of David and Deliah A. McNair- who departed this life - the former Aug 15,1836 the latter Nov 31 1838. Their children being natives of the Cherokee nation, and having to go with their people to the west, leave this monument not only to tell of their regards for their parents, but to guard their ashes from unhallowed intrusion of the white man." The inscription appears on the tombstone, which is inside of a large rock wall about seven feet high. There is part of the tribe that visits this spot once a year to look after the grave and see that it is unmolested by the pale face.

June 17,1875 Cleveland Herald

Johnie, son of D.M. Nelson, of this place had his arm broken by falling from a gate this week.


Mrs. Augusta Eltis -- aged about 53, on the 2nd of June, at her home, 3 miles west of this place.

RUSH MONTGOMERY is studying Medicine -- JOE CALLAWAY is going into the Undertakers business and follow RUSH around when he gets to practicing



In this cause it appearing by affidavit that the defendant F.E. WASSON is justly indebted to the plaintiff -- and absconds so that ordinary process of the law cannot be served on her, and an original attachment having been levied on her property. It is therefore ordered that publication be made in the Cleveland Herald for four consecutive weeks, commanding the said F. E. WASSON to appear before me in my office on, or before the 14th day of July 1875, and make defense to said suit of final judgment will be rendered against her. This 13th day of January 1875. C. Douglas, J.P. for Bradley County

In this cause it appearing by affidavit that the defendant GEORGE T. WASSON is justly indebted to the plaintiff -- and absconds so that ordinary process of the law cannot be served on him, and an original attachment having been levied on his property. It is therefore ordered that publication be made in the Cleveland Herald for four consecutive weeks, commanding the said GEORGE T. WASSON to appear before me in my office on or before the 14th day of July 1875, and make defense to said suit of the final judgment will be rendered against him. This the 13th day of January 1875. C. Douglas, J.P. for Bradley County

NOTICE is hereby given to all persons holding claims against the estate of S.A. LOWE, deceased, to present the same without delay, for settlement, to ISAAC LOWE of Cleveland, Sheriff of Bradley county Tennessee. And all persons indebted to the said S.A.LOWE will also come forward and make settlement without delay. The aforesaid ISAAC LOWE of Cleveland, is our legally constituted Attorney to make settle-- S.D. W. LOWE, R.A. KELLER, Exe for S.A. LOWE, deceased May 25,1875


R.S. KINDRICK--Capt. R. S. KINDRICK, late editor of the Daily Chattanooga Commercial, and late postmaster at Chattanooga, died at his home in that city on the 15th of this month [June 24,1875] Capt. Kindrick was well known throughout East Tennessee. In his death Chattanooga has lost one of her most valued citizens.



On Friday last week two negro men entered the premises of Mr.TOM EPPERSON, four miles south of Cleveland, and took his clothes and several other articles there from. Mr. EPPERSON in company with two other gentlemen, whose names we did not learn, followed the negros to this place where they over took them. They arrested them about half a mile above Cleveland and started back with them when one of the negros shot Mr. EPPERSON in the head. It seems as if the pistol was loaded with buck-shots. The shots took effect in the forehead. As soon as the negros done the shooting they fled to the woods and made their escape. Mr. EPPERSON's wound was dressed and he is now improving. Mayor Hix and Dept. Sheriff Seabourn searched for them all next day about Charleston and Chatta, but could hear nothing of them.



Mrs. JANE B. HANNAH, mother of JAS. M. and J.C. HANNAH, of this place, died on the 9th inst., at the residence of her son JAMES in this city. Mrs. Hannah was in her seventieth year and had been a member of the C. P. Church for over fourty five years. At he own request she was buried in Benton, Polk County by the side of her husband on Saturday last.


ARRESTED FOR LARCENY CLARA HARDWICK (colored) was arrested on a charge of larceny last week and had a hearing before Esquire Hardwick. She was bound over to the next term of the Circuit Court in a Bond of $500. Four of the most important witnesses were also bound in a Bond of $150. each-- all parties give good bond.


A little daughter of Dr. W P. RODEFER of this place, aged about three months, died on the 28th inst., of cholera-infantum.


DEATH MRS. M.J. CAMPBELL, wife of Dr. Campbell of this place, died Saturday at 4 p.m. after protracted illness of several weeks.

The flag at Osment's office hangs at half-mast, in memory of Andrew Johnson.


On the evening of the 28th, inst. at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Jno. W. Mann, Mr. John Cleveland to Miss Mary A. Wilson; all of Bradley County, Tennessee.


JOHN WEBB the murderer of old man REYNOLDS, will be hung at Knoxville tomorrow. Sheriff Swan refuses to comply with the Ministers request of Knoxville, to make the hanging private.



Mrs. Mary A. COWAN, wife of the late John N. Cowan, died at Her home in this county on the 13th of this month [August 1875], Aged about 58 years.


On Monday last Mr. GEORGE LEA of this place received a telegram to the effect that his brother JOS. W. LEA had been drowned accidentally at Johnsonville, in this state; further particulars we did not learn. He was a son of the late CASWELL LEA, and leaves a mother, sister, and three brothers to mourn his loss. Jo, as he was familiarly called, was well known throughout the county, and all who knew him were his friends. We have not learned from his friends his exact age, but think it was about 28 years.


DEATH Of An Old Citizen

Mr. W. B. SAMPLES one of the oldest citizens of Cleveland, died at his home in this place last Tuesday. Mr. Samples was about one of the first settles of Cleveland.

A little son of W.C. TIBBS had his arm broken by falling from a fence one day this week.

A young man by the name of CORBORN shot another young man by the name of RICHARDS, while at church Saturday night last, in the Southern part of the county. We did not learn what the difficulty was about. The shot took effect in the bowels.
