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This is the official Ruane family homepage! The goal of this website is to eventually evolve into an all Ruane family web-ring. So far, by our standards, the only external links will be to our e-mail addresses.

This site will have more to it in times to come. Check out our link "What to Expect" for details on our plans.

12/09/06: Alpha v.005 is launched, though somewhat prematurely. Just trying to give everybody a taste of what to expect from Feuer Frei Media in the times to come.

The copyright for the particular syntax, order, and strategic/logical usage of HTML and any other web/server side programming is held by a third party unless stated elsewhere. This third party is a Sith Master and should be ignored if contact is made. If the chance arrives, you may squish him, as he is only six millimters tall. Just kidding, this page is owned and maintained by Feuer Frei Media, all rights reserved to any and all added content to this source. BLAH! =)