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The Sadness
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Everday Life of Rosie
Sunday, 13 August 2006
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: NOTHING
All about me!


Okay here go's the all illusive about me page:

I decide to go with listing 100 things about me

Originally created 10/21/03

and definitely needs some updating

  1. Born October 7, 1969

  2. nameless for 7 days

  3. ultimately named Rosanne

  4. I have no middle name

  5. I have 3 older sisters and 3 older brothers, 1 younger sister, yes 7 siblings, and yes we all have the same 2 parents, that are still happily married.

  6. I have 10 nieces, 11 nephews, 1 great niece and 5 great nephews, lots of kids here, 27 in all, we never have to invite people when we have a party, we are the party!

  7. I have 3 kids all boys

  8. I am not married nor have I ever been, not sure if I ever will be.

  9. I grew up in Dorchester Ma.

  10. My best friend growing up was Lisa

  11. My worst enemy growing up was Lisa

  12. My first boyfriends name was Joey, he was also the first boy I ever kissed.

  13. I was raised Catholic, but am not very religious

  14. I believe in life after death.

  15. My favorite ice cream is maple walnut

  16. my favorite color is blue

  17. my favorite food is Italian, (papa Sauce)

  18. I was a girlie girl growing up. I loved to play with dolls

  19. Nacho's are my favorite appetizer

  20. I smoke allot and should quit.

  21. I drink socially

  22. I love to dance

  23. when I have the guts I get up and do Karaoke

  24. My music taste is stuck way back in the 80's

  25. I stay up pretty late at night, so I am a late sleeper

  26. I moved out when I was 16, and in with my sister

  27. became a mother at 17 of 2 kids (not biological)

  28. at 19 took off to Florida to try and live with $500 bucks in my pocket, I was back a month later.

  29. I Love clothes

  30. I think I have a boot fetish, especially chunky ones!

  31. I had a cat named hunnababy, she got ran over, and is now buried in my backyard.

  32. I have a whole file folder full of poems that I have written about all the things that ever hurt me.

  33. I would love to live on the ocean

  34. I like to brush my teeth in the shower.

  35. I choose Pepsi over coke

  36. my favorite perfume is Cassimere Mist by Donna Karen

  37. I have to always have a sheet between the blankets when I sleep

  38. I have to sleep with something over me no matter what season it is

  39. I am a dog person rather then a cat

  40. I can't believe I wrote this much about myself, I am so vain

  41. I hate when guys pee on the toilet seat

  42. I am not afraid of trying new things

  43. I am usually very outspoken, not shy at all

  44. I love to be the center of attention, I got a wicked look at me complex he he

  45. I love to take pictures

  46. If i were Rich the first thing I would buy is a house just like in the movie Jumanji

  47. My favorite movie growing up was Willie Wonka

  48. My favorite movie now is a toss up between when a man loves a woman and City of Angels

  49. My natural hair color is brown, but has been may different colors over the years

  50. I have 10 piercing, 9 in my right ear and one in my left

  51. wow I'm halfway there

  52. I wondering if you got this far or are you bored yet...

  53. My mom says everything in the world scared me as a little kid

  54. I have never broken any bones

  55. I have only had stitches once, and that was for child bearing reasons

  56. People tell me all the time I have great eyes

  57. I went to a bilingual Elementary school

  58. I speak 2 languages now English and kid

  59. my second toe is bigger then my first

  60. my birth mark is on my right knee small brown spot

  61. I love to tan, and would all year round if I could

  62. I would much rather live in a dry hot climate

  63. I could never live in a basement apartment

  64. sometimes I faint

  65. I swim very well

  66. I know how to crochet, knit and sew

  67. I can whistle with every finger

  68. I can curl my tongue

  69. I can move my nose up and down

  70. I can do the Elvis lip curl

  71. I love true crime stories TV or otherwise

  72. I wanted to be a detective for the longest time

  73. I have owned my own business

  74. I love to be spontaneous

  75. I am never on time, always on Hawker time

  76. I give way more then I receive

  77. I don't like confrontation

  78. I am an optimist

  79. I have experienced True Love once in my life

  80. I am not homophobic

  81. My favorite Holiday is Christmas, I love the whole waking up and the look on my kids faces, it's great!

  82. I was arrested when I was 16 for driving an unregistered uninsured car with a bad sticker, and Detaching plates, also had my sisters license

  83. when I wear nylons I don't wear underwear

  84. I have gone to a swingers party

  85. I've been to Disney land

  86. I do most of my thinking in the car

  87. I hated school and dropped out when I was 16

  88. I hate washing silver wear

  89. sometimes when I dream, I know I am dreaming

  90. Material things don't mean much to me

  91. Family is very important to me

  92. weak woman piss me off

  93. men that have no opinion piss me off

  94. I love to eat, not a "I'll just have a salad chic"

  95. my favorite animal's are horses

  96. My favorite Mammal is Dolphins

  97. I drive a shitbox mini van

  98. I am allergic to penicillin

  99. I hate lamb, and most red meat

  100. wow, I did it I am shocked, well that is 100 things about me, I hope you have a learned a little about me, thanks for reading


Posted by funky/rosie at 10:00 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 13 August 2006 10:04 PM EDT
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My First entry
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Because of you
Topic: The Sadness

Today, was not such a good day for me, I have come to the conclusion, that even though people have told me that I can have any guy I want, It's a real crock of shit, Cuz maybe I can have just any guy,  But not the one I truly want so It is a sad day for me, cuz I think i may have finally giving up on the FANTASY That I thought was so real.
here is a poem, from a long time ago, that I thought was shredded forever, But has once again come back to haunt me....


I have a wall you cannot see
Because it's deep inside of me
It blocks my heart on every side
And lets my emotions hide
You can’t reach in
You can’t reach out
And you wonder what its all about

This wall I have that you can’t see
Results from what you’ve done to me
Each time my heart was hurt
The scars within grew worse and worse
So brick by brick I built this wall
I made it so thick it will not fall

I know this process will be slow
For its never easy to let things go
For just  brick by brick I laid
With every hurt and every pain
I can’t allow myself to let you In
To protect my heart from hurt again

So brick by brick this wall will stay
As strength replaces every day
This wall is solid until I am free
But some of the debris will stay

Deep inside of me

Posted by funky/rosie at 9:02 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 13 August 2006 9:40 PM EDT
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