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ThRoUgH tHe EyEs
Tuesday, 14 November 2006
omg last night was amazing!
Mood:  on fire
Topic: God is Awesome!
Omg okay so last night after writing the last journal entry i went to the dress rehearsal for the show that my department was doing because I needed to write papers on it. so i go meet liz, and we head on down there. so i'm attempting to understand the pieces all the while trying to look for harmony, but couldn't find it.
I must now do a rewind. Yesterday I kept hearing, "harmony, harmony, harmony..." in my head so i thought maybe one of the pieces had to do with harmony. WRONG!!!

so during intermission i went to the costume check out room to see how estee was doing and i ran into this girl leah. she's a dance major also, and i've smiled at her a couple of times walking by, but have never really talked to her. so she turns to me and goes, "ASHLEY!! Hi!" I smile and said, "Yes!" with the same enthusiasm. To make a long story short, she said that she was doing a piece for the contemporary concert and that she wanted to know if i was interested because two people dropped out. i said cool, sure i'll do it. then she goes, "oh by the way, my piece is called HARMONY." omg my brain went DURRRR!!! (like scooby-doo!) then i said "it's interesting because i kept hearing "harmony, harmony..." in my head all day! lol she turns to me and goes, THAT'S GOD!!
so i end up getting a ride with you (i had been wondering how i was gonna get home) and on the way i was telling her what God had me break down and she was like omg!!!!! lol and she meets my family and we're talking until like 1230 it was crazy! but i thank god for another sister in the spirit!

Posted by funky/propheticmantle at 5:16 PM PST
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