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Slumber Party

My Little Pony Tales (Slumber Party) Sweetheart is having a slumber party at her house and the ponies have decided to play a game of charades. Clover is the ummm Charadee. They all take turns trying to guess what Clover is trying to tell them, and finally guess that it's the 3 Little Pig's. Sweetheart's parents come out of the kitchen and suggest they make Ice Cream Sundae. Of course the little ponies agree and run into the kitchen. In the kitchen they have made a giant bowl of ice cream, Brighteyes tell's them ice cream is filled with Vitamin A, Calcium, and Protein... But it just goes to my hips! Anyway, they all take turns adding their favorite ingredients: nut's, whipped cream, which, Bon Bon sprays into the other ponies faces, and a cherry to top the whole thing. Just then Lightning flash's scaring Sweetheart and making the light's go out. The ponies wonder what happend, Patch suggest's that ghosts did it, for some reason the lights come on and Sweethearts dad tell's Patch that theres no such thing as ghosts (There Isn't?). Melody then points at the ice cream and says that someone took some ice cream. Bon Bon guiltily says that maybe it was ghost's, all the ponies share a laugh and dig into the ice cream. Sweethearts mom tell's them that once their done to hit the showers because it's bedtime. In the bedroom Brighteyes is impersonating the ponies teacher Ms.Hackney. Patch yell's at Brighteyes to look over at her, Patch then hit's Brighteyes with a pillow, this starts a big pillow fight (Whee!). After awhile Sweethearts mom comes into the room and tell's the ponies to go to sleep. They all sadly go to bed. Later on that night they are awakened by a thundercrash, Sweetheart says that she's scared but Patch suggest's that it's perfect for a ghost story. Clover beg's for Patch not to tell any stories because she's the token scardey cat of the group although Bon Bon agrees. Patch wonders what's the matter with all of them and if they are scared, some of the ponies say that they aren't frightened but Sweetheart wants to obey her parents and stay in bed. Brighteyes tell's Sweetheart that her parents will never know, so Starlight pipes up and says that to tell stories they'll need a tent. Fast forward to all the ponies inside of the tent. Patch is the storyteller and begins the tell, I shall retell it word for word. "Once upon a time a long time ago, a long LONG time ago. There lived a little pony named Squire. Who lived in a big castle on a hill, not to far from here. Just beyond Paradise Lake. Now Squire wasn't to much older then us and he wanted to be a knight. His father took him aside one rainy evening and told him, Squires Father: Squire if it is a knight you desire to be. Then you must tame a dragon! Squire: A dragon? Squires Father: Not just any dragon, but the dragon named Basil. Now the father told Squire that Basil lived in a cave deep in the darkest part of the forest. The next morning Squire ventured into the misty forest. His father had given him his own sword in case of trouble. And trouble was exactly what he found, a serpent dropped down from a tree and wrapped itself around Squires neck. The serpent hissed at Squire but Squire bravely stuck out his tounge and hissed right back! Afraid, the serpent slithered away and Squire didn't even have to use his sword. Which he really didn't want to use anyway. Later that morning Squire found Basil's cave. Inside, somewhere, was the dragon. Then Squire sucked up his courage and went into the cave. He knew the dragon was inside but he didn't know where. Suddenly, flames shot out of the darkness. In the light of the flames he found a torch probably left there by a knight that would never again see the light of day. Using the dragons own fire, Squire lit the torch and then went deeper into the cave. Dark shadows, strange shapes danced on the rocky walls when all of a sudden the dragon appeared! Basil! said Squire staring up at the giant dragon. I shall tame you! said squire, I shall be a knight! But Squire never got the chance, Basil burned a hole in the ground and Squire fell into it! By the time he climbed out of the hole, Basil was gone. Squire never saw him agian, They say Squire is still somewhere in Ponyland searching for his dragon. " Just then the ponies hear a noise upstaires, Bon Bon thinks that it's Squire, Melody jokingly says that he's in the attic looking for Basil (I love Melody). Clover says that since Sweethearts dad said there isn't any ghost's that theres nothing to worry about. Sweetheart volunteers to get her parent's. Patch says not to, because if they do Squire will run away. Patch then says she's going upstairs to investigate, Starlight and Brighteyes go with her, not to be left behind the others follow. Up in the attic Sweetheart tries the light but it won't come on. Patch calls for Squire, Clover is scared and wants to go back downstairs. Patch says that maybe he's hiding and that they should look. Bon Bon stops Patch and ask's what if the dragon is in there too (huh?). Just then the ponies hear a noise and see something big in the dark, Starlight goes up to it but it just turns out to be a birdcage. Cue adorable song! After the song all the ponies laugh untill they hear a meow, they scream Bon Bon shines the light at the sorce of the sound, one of the ponies thinks it's Basil, but, Sweetheart see's it's just her cat Springfield (no duh...) They figure that Springfield got locked out in the rain and came through the window and that was the sorce of the noise and wasn't a ghost after all. Patch admits that she was hoping for a ghost. Later on all the ponies are back down stairs asleep, Patch awakes to the ghost of Squire over her bed! He thanks her for telling his story and that if she ever see's Basil to let him know. In slight shock Patch agrees. Starlight wakes up and ask's Patch who she was talking to, Patch tell's her it was only a dream...or was it?

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