Spells List
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Spells List

  • · Accio: summoning spell
  • · Alohomora: door-unlocking spell
  • · Aparecium: makes invisible ink visible
  • · Avada Kedavra: killing curse-one of the Unforgivable Curses
  • · Avis: spell which fires birds out of the wand
  • · Bubble-Head Charm: An underwater breathing charm
  • · Cruciatus: curse inflicts torture- one of the Unforgivable Curses
  • · Curse of the bogies: a spell Quirrell tells his students about
  • · Colloportus: locks unlocked doors
  • · Deletrius: disintegrating spell
  • · Densaugeo: causes teeth to grow rapidly
  • · Diffindo: makes something split
  • · Disapparate: not really a spell, but allows caster to disappear at will
  • · Dissendium: opens entrance to secret passage to Hogsmeade
  • · Enervate: reviving spell
  • · Engorgio: swelling charm
  • · Expecto Patronum: guards spell-caster from Dementors
  • · Expelliarmus: disarming spell
  • · Ferula: makes a sling for a broken arm
  • · Fidelius Charm: a charm that keeps a secret within a person
  • · Finite incantatem: a charm used by Snape to end spells
  • · Four-Point Spell: makes wand a compass
  • · Furnunculus: causes boils
  • · Impediment Jinx: slows down and obstructs opponent
  • · Imperius Curse: can control another person completely- one of the Unforgivable Curses
  • · Impervious: spell used by Hermione so Harry's glasses would repel water
  • · Incendio: fire-lighting curse
  • · Jelly-Legs Jinx: makes opponent's legs wobbly
  • · Locomotor Mortis: the leg locking curse
  • · Locomotor Trunks: spell Prof. Flitwick uses in the fifth book to make Sybill Trelawney's trunks fly after her just after Prof. Umbridge dissmissed her.
  • · Lumos: emits a ray of light from your wand
  • · Memory Charm: a charm use to make people forget certain events
  • · Mimble Wimble: a spell that Prof. Lockhart uses
  • · Mobilarbus: spell to move objects
  • · Mobilicorpus: spell to move someone who can't walk
  • · Morsmordre: makes the Dark Mark
  • · Nox: spell to extinguish light on your wand
  • · Obliviate: memory spell that makes the subject forget
  • · Orhideous: a spell that causes flowers to shoot out of the end of a wand
  • · Petrificus Totalus: binds arms and legs together
  • · Portus: a spell that makes things a portkey
  • · Prior Incantato: reveals a wand's most recent spells
  • · Quietus: reverses the charm Sonorus
  • · Reducio: Shrinking Charm
  • · Reducto: spell that blasts apart a solid object
  • · Relashio: makes sparks emit from the wand. Used to repel Grindylows.
  • · Reparo: repairing charm
  • · Rictusempra: tickling spell
  • · Scourgify: a spell that makes things clean
  • · Riddickulus: spell to make boggart change its appearance
  • · Serpensortia: A spell used to send a snake at your opponent
  • · Shield Charm: casts an invisble wall around you to deflect small curses
  • · Silencio: spell to make opponents unable to talk
  • · Sonorus: charm to magnify one's voice
  • · Stupefy: stunning spell
  • · Tarantallegra: dancing spell
  • · Waddiwasi: a spell that Prof. Lupin used to shoot chewing gum up Peeves' nose
  • . Wingardium Leviosa: spell to make things fly