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Xbox 360 is awesome

Gears of War

This is one of the amazing screens of the third-person shooter, Gears of War.

Test Drive Unlimited

This is a screen that shows off the reflective capabilities of Test Drive Unlimited

Ninety-Nine Nights

This screen from Ninety Nine Nights shows the many enemies that the 360 can generate on screen at one time.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Due out 3/20/06

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is going to be the first RPG to come our for the 360.

Project Gotham Racing 3

Out now!

Project Gotham Racing 3 is the best-selling racing game to date on the 360

Xbox 360 will rule all!

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I am in no way affiliatted with Microsoft Game Studios, Rare, Bizzare Creations, Atari, Eden Studios, Epic Games, Bethesda Softworks, 2k Games, Namco, Blitz Games, Q Entertainment, or Phantagram. I am just a fan of their work.

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