Making the Grade.

Making the grade.

It was getting late and the girls and I had just finished pouring our last set of shots that emptied the bottle. We should have called it a night a couple hours ago, but when the three of us get together the night usually crawls into the wee hours of the morning. Another reason that we are all sitting around here getting drunk over the fact that we’re not going to pass our finals. Tina and Shelly slammed back their shots and I picked up mine and proposed a toast.
“To the three of us. We may have to stay here another year instead of graduating with everyone else, but we had fun! At least from what I remember…” I tossed back my shot and slammed the glass down on the table.
“Don’t say that Lisa. We can still hope for a miracle. Maybe they’ll loose the tests or something.”, Shelly suggested.
“That would be great except that the finals were all done on computer… so unless the whole system crashes it’s not likely they’ll loose anything. “, Tina added.
“I wish we could like hack in there and change our grades. I know it’s been done before.”, I said.
“Unfortunately none of us know how to do that or we wouldn’t be worried about flunking out of college.”, Shelly said with sarcasm.
Just then I had an amazing idea. From somewhere back in the deep devilish part of my mind I came up with a plan. “WE don’t have to hack in and change our grades. We just need someone to do that for us.”
“I think we’ve pretty much isolated ourselves from all the nerds here. And I don’t think any of the jocks riding by on free scholarships are able to pull that one off for us.”, Tina laughed.
“That may be true. But you know that guy Brian Callahan? The geek that’s in my computer science class. He totally has the hots for me.”, I added. “He always staring at me in class. Bragging about how smart he is and how he’s hacked into all kinds of websites and computers. I bet I could get him to do it for us.”
Shelly laid on her back staring at the ceiling, “Lisa there’s no way he’d do that for us. You’ve totally blown him off and let’s face it, Tina and I have never given him the time of day.”
“Maybe we could bribe him.”, Tina suggested.
“Don’t think so. His family is loaded. Daddy is on the board of directors at some big computer company.”, I mentioned. “But maybe we could force him to do it for us.”
“Force him?” Shelly laughed. “What do you mean? Kidnap him at gunpoint and make him change our grades? “
“That would work out great until we let him go and he squeals on us and we get arrested. And we still flunk!” , Tina laughed.
“Your both right. But if we can get something on him. Something that would make him do it for us and then we could like blackmail him not to ever tell anyone.”, I said with an evil grin.
We all got our minds together and started laying the foundation for a trap. We were going to snare this little geek and force him to do our bidding. But how. We went around in circles thinking how we could get him. We would devise a plan to entice him to trust us then spring the trap.
“Shelly. You’re still dating that guy that owns the limo business. You’re going to need to get a big black limo with room for us all.”, I ordered. “Tina. Your laptop has a wireless card in it. We’ll need that.” I got up and walked over to my desk and picked up my camcorder. “Girls. We’re going to not only pass our finals and graduate. I think we’re all going to get straight A’s.”, I laughed.
The next day Shelly called and told me that she convinced her boyfriend to let her take the limo for the day. Told him that we were going to celebrate graduation. Tina brought over her laptop and I charged up my camcorder. Shelly arrived and parked the limo out front and came inside to get ready. We all raided our closets to find our sexiest outfits and then did our hair and makeup to the max. Tina brushed her long blonde hair and had on some tight blue jeans and a white halter top. She leaned into the mirror and applied a think coat of neon pink lipstick with some shiny gloss on top.
“That lipstick will drive him wild. This one time I was taking a test in class and I was running out of time. I got him to give me the last three answers when the professor wasn’t looking. When we walked out in the hall I planted a big red lipstick kiss on his cheek. I got him sooo hot and bothered. He said he’d never wash it off.”, I laughed as pulled my long wavy red hair back and searched to find a red hot lipstick for myself. I searched through my drawer and found my favorite slut red lipstick. I opened the cap on my Dior lipstick and the aroma of the lipstick caught my senses. I twisted the base of the tube and the deep red color twisted into view. I slowly glided it back and forth across my bottom lip and then across the top. My lips were a deep bold red. To shine them up I took my Dior lip shine and ran the wand across my lips making them glisten. “Yeah… no man can resist these lips.”, I added as I pursed my lips in front of the mirror.
“What ever!”, Tina laughed. “These glittery pink lips will have him eating out of the palm of my hand.”
I walked to the closet and picked out some nice black heels to go with the black skirt and fishnet stockings. I unbuttoned my red blouse a little and dabbed on some more perfume. We grabbed our purses and the camcorder and made our way outside to the limo. Tina and I got in and were impressed. Tons of room. Plenty of booze. This was going to be fun. Tina hooked up her laptop on the opposing seat and rolled down the privacy window. Shelly peaked through from the drivers seat and tested the camcorder.
“Wow! What a couple whores!”, Shelly laughed.
“Thank you. We tried.”, I said. “Now head for campus. Brian will be getting out of his last class in about fifteen minutes. We can’t be late.”
Tina and I sat back and opened a bottle of champagne and poured ourselves each a glass. Shelly pulled away and we headed towards campus to go get Brian.
After a short drive to the main campus our black limo pulled up to the curb in front of the Harris building that Brian would be coming out of. Tina and I finished our bottle of champagne and grabbed another one out of the fridge.
“So how do we get him in here?”, Tina asked as she saw him come walking down the steps.
“Watch this.”, I said as I opened up the sunroof and stood up instantly getting Brian’s attention. I started to open the bottle and pretended that I couldn’t get the cork to come out. “Hey Brian. Can you open this for me?”
Brian walked in amusement towards the limo and Tina opened the door. She took Brian by the hand and pulled him inside, “Come here boy. Make yourself useful.”, she laughed.
Once inside Tina sat Brian between us and I handed the bottle over to Brian. “Here. You need to open this for us.”, I said with a playful smile.
Brian looked completely blown away by the fact that two gorgeous girls had just yanked him into a limo and ordered him to open up a bottle of champagne. “Uh. Sure. I could try. Let’s see here.”, he stammered. He stood up out of the sunroof and aimed the bottle away and popped the cork out. Just then the limo sped away from the curb and Tina and I pulled him down back into the limo. “Thank you baby.”, I said and gave him big kiss on his cheek leaving a big bold red print.
“Good Job Brian!”, Tina laughed and began to pour them all a glass. “She got a little lipstick on you.”, she pointed to his cheek. “Come here. Lets get you in balance.”, she grabbed his head and turned it to the side and kissed him hard on his other cheek leaving a bright pink stain.
Totally flabbergasted Brian blurted out, “Ah. Well. What are we celebrating. And ah… where are we going?”, he looked outside to see the scenery flying by.
I open my purse and take out my lipstick and compact. I open the lipstick and begin to reapply the crimson color to my lips. “We’re celebrating Brian. We’re pretending like we’re going to graduate instead of failing and we’re going to paint the town red!” I notice Brian staring at me in awe as I paint my lips the deep dark red and run more gloss over top of them. “You like red right?”
“Drink up Brian. Your so tense. You need to let loose.”, Tina said as she brought the glass of champagne to his lips. He took a sip and Tina brought the glass back up to his lips and smiled as she tipped the glass back making him polish off what she had poured.
“So let me get this straight. Your out celebrating even thought your going to fail?”, Brian asked.
“Well we look at it this way. We can stay home and be depressed or go out and party.”, I smiled.
“Well… no offense girls. But you always kinda laughed at me for being a nerd but I worked hard and studied and now I’m graduating with honors. I’ve already got a job lined up making six figures when I graduate. I may not have partied as much as you but at least I’m graduating.”, Brian said sympathetically.
“You were right and we were wrong Brian. We know that now.”, Tina whispered as she put her hands on his shoulder and continued to whisper into his ear. “But I bet you wish you could have been partying with us. Just a little maybe?”, she asks as she kisses him slowly on his neck.
“Well. I made certain sacrifices to get what I wanted..”, Brian shifts in his seat as Tina’s other hand finds it’s way to his crotch.
I lean in as Brian squirms from Tina’s kissing and massaging. “I can respect that Brian. You’ve worked hard.”, I grab his cheeks and pull his lips towards mine. I slowly bring his lips to mine and let them touch. I press my lips on his and smear my bold red lipstick all over his lips.
Tina unzips his jeans and pulls out his cock and begins stroking it. “Real hard.” She leans down on the floor of the limo and takes Brian’s cock into her inviting pink lips.
I continue kissing him and smearing his face with my red lipstick. He breathes heavy as Tina sucks his cock and strokes him. I break the kiss as he squirms. “But if there were only someway we could pass and graduate with you.”, I say.
Tina stops and sits back up in the seat leaving Brian sitting there between us covered in red and pink lipstick with his hard cock hanging out. “I just can’t stay in the mood knowing I’m not going to graduate.”. Tina whines.
“… ah wait, wait.”, Brian stammers. “I may be able help.”
“Really?”, Tina and I both say in a surprised manner.
“Yeah.” Brian moves to the opposite seat and opens the laptop conveniently laying there. “This has internet access right?”, he asked.
We both reply, “Yes.”
Brian gets his game face on and begins madly typing on the keyboard. “You see. The campus uses a 128bit encryption security program for it’s grades designed by my fathers software company and it uses several back door firewalls and blocking programs that prevent anyone without firm access from entering the database without permission.” He notices Tina and I undressing on the other seat after opening up another bottle of champagne.
I pour Tina and myself another glass and we smile at each other as we sit there in our bras, panties and stockings. “God Brian you’re turning me on.”, I say.
“But how’s that going to help us?”, Tina asks as she opens up her purse and starts reapplying her bright pink lipstick.
“You see girls….”, he continues to type frantically and screens pop up and close. “With the right codes…”, a campus personnel file pops up on the screen. “I can change your grades and no one will ever know.”, he looks back at us triumphantly.
“Oh my god! That’s amazing!”, I reach for my purse and begin applying my deep red lipstick to my lips once again. I move over to the other seat where Brian sits next to the computer. “You would do that for us?”, I ask innocently as I lean my red lips close to his.
“Sure.”, Brian answers promptly realizing the reward he would receive. He leans in to kiss me but I pull away at the last minute.
“Do it.”, I say.
“I want to be an A student too!”, Tina leans over and puts her arms around him.
Brian peers down at the screen and types in their names and begins changing all the grades.
“Don’t forget our friend Shelly.”, I point at the screen and he adjusts her grades as well.
“There. Done.”, he closes the lap top and smiles.
“And there’s no way we could ever get caught?”, Tina asks.
“No way. Completely foolproof.”, he say confidently.
“Oh Brian. We just don’t know how to thank you.”, I whisper.
“I do.”, Tina says as she lays Brian on the floor of the limo and sits on his feet.
“Yeah I do too.”, I say as I move down along side him.
Tina begins pulling off her pantyhose and starts wrapping them around Brian’s ankles. “Don’t want you squirming around on me this time.”, she smiles as she tightens them and binds his feet together. She sits him up and I sit behind him and begin slipping off my pantyhose. I take his arms and pull them behind his back. “Don’t want you getting away from us honey.”, I whisper in his ear.
“Ok this is awesome. Kinky but awesome.”, Brian can’t believe what’s happening to him.
I tie his hands tightly behind his back and trade places with Tina.
We slip off our panties and I straddle him as Tina sits behind him. We begin kissing him all over. Down his neck and chest. All over his legs and arms. He lay there helpless in a sea off red and pink lipstick marks.
I sit on top of him taking him inside me and move up and down on him slowly, Just as I feel he’s ready to explode I stop and Tina hands me my lipstick. I open the tube and apply the color to my lips again and then lean in and immediately kiss him on the lips.
“Poor Brian. Your lips are as red as mine.”, I smile devilishly as I bring the tip of the lipstick close to his lips. He turns away and Tina holds his head straight so he can’t escape. “Let’s finish the job.” I run the lipstick across his lower lip back and forth further staining them in the crimson color and then paint the top lip as well. Tina looks and admires my work, “Oh Brian. That looks so sexy!” She laughs.
“Ok. Uh… I think we should stop. I may have gotten myself into more than I meant to here…”, Brian tests his bonds to no avail.
“Just shut up and come Brian.”, I laugh as I begin moving up and down on him harder and harder. Brian moans as he nears climax.
“He’s a moaner Lisa…”, Tina laughs as she hands me her panties and I stuff them in his already open mouth. Just before he’s ready to explode I slide off of him and begin stroking him hard with my panties in my hand. “Come for me little boy. Come all over my panties.” Brian struggles to move away but his bound wrists and ankles make him no match for the two of us. He blows his load as I rub up and down on his cock with my panties. “Good boy.” I take my panties and drop them in plastic bag from my purse.
Tina and I sit back up on the seat as Brian lay there defeated on the floor. Shelly puts down the window, “How we doing back there?”
“A+”, I answer as I open the mini bar and take out the Jack Daniels. “Now lets see how you can hold your liquor Brian. Over the next hour Tina and I get dressed and force Brian to drink to the point where he’s totally smashed.
“I think we can untie him now don’t you?”, I ask Tina.
Tina unties Brian and dresses him. He is barely alert from the mass quantities of alcohol we made him drink. “Ok Lisa, now make this look good.”
I sit back in the seat of the limo and Tina pulls Brian up on me. We place one of his hands behind me and the other on my blouse. Tina takes the camcorder from Shelly and turns it on, “Action!”
I begin to scream and cry, “ Brian! No! Stop! Please no!” I cry in agony as he lay on top of me. I put his hands on mine and pretend he’s forcing me down. We stage several shots of him raping me and watch our work on the laptop.
We drive outside of town and it’s almost midnight now. We strip Brian down again and begin trying to wake him up. Slowly he starts to regain consciousness and we begin slapping his face to wake him up.
His eyes open and he tries to focus on us. “Where are we?”, he asks.
“We’re about an hour outside of town in the country.”, Tina answers him.
I take his head in my hands and look at him and make him focus on me. “Just want to say thanks for fixing our grades.”
“Bullshit! You tricked me!”, he sputters. “You tied me up and covered me in lipstick!”, he looks down at his body. “I did what you wanted! What the fuck?”, he begins to cry.
“We couldn’t take any chances on getting caught Brian. So you see we have an insurance policy.”, I reach over and press a button on the laptop. The screen light s up with several clips of Brian flailing on top of me as I cry and beg him to stop.
“That’s not what happened!”, he cries.
“But that’s exactly what your daddy, and the police will see if you ever say anything about our little computer caper. And if they need further proof the CSI guys will love these…”, I hold up my panties covered in his come.
Tina leans in close to him, “The local nerd obsesses over his classmate and fixes her grades. But when she’s not cooperative and thankful he rapes her. You could say goodbye to that six figure job and say hello to prison.”
Brian sits there and processes everything the best he can. “… you can’t do this to me.”
“It’s done.”, I stare at him coldly. “Now get out.”
“Get out? I’m naked in the middle of nowhere. Take me home please.”, he begs.
Tina opens the door and Brian stares outside into the night. “Please don’t leave me here!”
I look at Tina and smile, “Well if he’s going to stay in here with us we better freshen up.” Tina and I open our purses and pop the tops off our lipstick tubes and begin applying the color to our lips. A look of terror appears in Brian’s eyes as he steps outside the limo. I pull the door shut and roll the window down. Tina and I lean outside and look at Brian standing there covered in kiss prints and red lipstick covered lips.
“We’ll drop your clothes off about a mile down the road for you.”, Tina laughs.
Brian turns and begins to walk away from the limo. “Hey Brian!”, I yell as Shelly starts the limo up and begins to pull away. “What? … No kiss goodnight?”
The end?