The Black Widow - Diamonds are a girls best friend.

The telephone rang six times before I reached over and picked it up. On the other end of the phone the hotels automated wake up message reminded me it was 7:00am and I dropped the receiver back down. I pull my long black hair from my face and pull it behind me. I rub my eyes and begin to focus on my surroundings. The sunlight peeks through the blinds and I squint as I see my reflection in the dresser mirror across from the bed. My eye makeup is smeared but my bright pinks lips gleam like a beacon from across the room. I stand up and pull the blanket off the bed to cover my naked body. As I turn to look back at the bed I see long blonde hair draping out from beneath the sheet. I step to the side of the bed and pull the sheet down to find that Andrea is still sleeping quite peacefully. Her stunningly perfect figure lay there motionless. She’s breathing deeply as she sleeps and has a somewhat angelic look to her except for the pink glittery lipstick smeared all over her mouth and hands cuffed behind her back. She was out cold. I picked up my purse and walked into the bathroom and turned the water on in the shower. The hotel room Andrea had booked had a beautiful garden tub and I considered for a moment treating myself to a long luxurious bath. But I decided I had better get moving. The drugs in Andrea’s system would be wearing off soon and I had to be gone by the time they did. I dropped the blanket and stepped into the shower and cleaned myself up. The smell of smoke and alcohol was a common one for me, but I love the feeling of a refreshing shower. I step out and grab a towel and begin to dry myself off. My long wavy black hair drapes down my shoulders and half way down my back. I pull it forward and begin to dry it with the hairdryer. Digging through my purse I find my makeup and begin expertly applying it. My smoky grey eye shadow and jet black eyeliner define my eyes. My black mascara lengthens my lashes and makes them fuller. A touch of powder to even things out and a little rouge. I reach into my bag and pull out a bronze tube of lipstick. I take my compact and the bronze tube into the bedroom and find Andrea still motionless in slumber. I pull the sheet completely off her and lift one leg up and spread them apart from each other. I open my compact and lift the cap from the bronze tube. I twist the base and the most luscious deep red color rotates into view. I open my mouth in front of the compact and slowly move the tip of the lipstick to my lower lip. As I glide it across my pale lip it leaves a deep irresistible crimson color. A few passes across the bottom and then a perfect cupids bow across the top and my lips are glistening red. I lean forward from the bottom of the bed and move up between her legs. I bring my lips close to her inner thigh to the right of her pussy and open my mouth to prepare to kiss her. Then I think to myself, “Hmm. Better make sure she’s still sound asleep.” I open my mouth and stick out the tip of my tongue and slowly run it up the lips of her pussy and sway it back and forth a few times. I look up and Andrea whimpers lightly but still sleeps. I can’t help but let an evil grin take over as I move back to her inner thigh and open my mouth. Slowly I ease my open lips to her soft skin and press them gently at first and then firmly. As I pull away and observe my work I see a prefect red lip print. “Something for you to always remember me by.”, I whispered. I stand up and pick my clothes up from the floor and begin to get dressed. I pull up my black leather pants and button them. I put on my bra and pull my white blouse over my shoulders and button it up. I strap on my black heels and make my way back to the bed. I take a handcuff key from my purse and release Andrea from her cuffs and clip them onto my pants so the serve as a belt in front. Making my way into the bathroom I open my bag and drop my compact and bronze tube in my purse and pull out a bottle of pills and small container of liquid. I pop a few pills and open the container of liquid. Reaching in my bag I take out a small cloth and dab some of the liquid onto it. I touch it to my lips and begin rubbing at the red lipstick on my lips. Even with my special solvent the permanent lipstick requires quite a bit of work to be completely removed. After a few minutes and a little more of the special chemical I’m successful. Just then I hear Andrea stirring in the other room. I peak in to see her struggling to open her eyes and she begins to whisper, “Hello… Is someone there?” “Hello?” I return to my purse and take out a silver tube of lipstick and open it. Twisting it up reveals a bright silvery pink color. I lean into the bathroom mirror and quickly, but liberally apply it to my lips and top it off with a glittery gloss. I return to Andrea and sit on the edge of the bed. “Well good morning beautiful. Your up early. In fact earlier than I wanted.” Andrea still struggles to focus and looks up at me in her drugged state. “… what happened to me? Who are you? Where am I?” I place the tip of my finger over her lips, “Shhh. Baby. That’s the amnesic effects of the drugs still flowing through your system.” Andrea lifts her hands to her face and holds her head. “But I don’t do drugs.” “Good for you. You shouldn’t do drugs. Drugs are bad. Someone like you who travels from town to town selling loose diamonds has way too much responsibility to do drugs. I mean if you lost that case over there you’d be out millions.”, I said as I pulled her hands from her head. “You see you don’t remember hooking up with me last night. You don’t remember bringing me back here and me kissing you with this glittery pink lipstick. Oh we had so much fun. Until I kissed you more and more until the drug in my lipstick knocked you out. You see Andrea… you fell right into my little trap. I know everything about you and the company that you work for. You’re a hard worker, over achiever, and top seller of diamonds for your company. You travel and do shows at least twice a month and often your travel brings you here to Vegas. I also know your not married, like to drink too much, and like to have fun with other women.” Andrea begins to try to prop herself up in bed with a scared look in her eyes. “ I got to get out of here…”, Andrea stammers. I step up onto the bed and straddle her naked body. I take her hands and pin them down above her head. She is still weak from the drugs and powerless to struggle. I move my bright pink lips close to hers and whisper to her, “I’m going to take your diamonds Andrea. All of them. I’m going to kiss you again and you’re going to fall into a deep sleep. When you wake up I’ll be gone and you’ll have no recollection of what happened. You’ll just know your diamonds are gone and you have a mysterious new tattoo of my beautiful red lips on your inner thigh. It never comes off. My gift to you.” Andrea turns her head to the side to try and escape but I lean down and kiss her passionately on her lips. My silvery pink lipstick smears across her lips. “No! mmmm…”, she cries but I kiss her more and more forcefully and muffle her scream. Slowly she begins to resist less and I continue kissing her. The pink lipstick covers her lips and mouth. I look at her and see her eyes roll up in her head and I slow the kiss and end it with a little peck. “Good night…”, I grinned. I return to the bathroom and clean myself up. I pop a few more pills to keep my resistance to my own drugs up and freshen up my lips with a more subtle and less dangerous shade of pink. After removing any traces of me being there I throw my purse over my shoulder and pull the handle up on Andrea’s rolling suitcase and make my way to the door. I open it and place the “Do not disturb” card on the handle as I pull it shut and leave. That was easy… and fun.