Revenge of the BLACK WIDOW

You thought you were so smart. You thought you were so sly. Living your dual life. Dating my best friend for the past two years. Telling her that you loved her. Promising her the world. A happy home, a diamond ring, all her dreams coming true. But as it turns out you were making that same promise to more than one girl. Your the kinda of guy that will say just about anything to get your way. I'll bet you've talked your way out of a few hairy situations in the past. Well, your not talking your way out of this one. I stand over your unconscious body as it lies on the hotel bed. Wrists tied securely to the head board with my pantyhose. Legs bound tightly with your own belt. A smear of glittery pink lipstick across your lips. One kiss from my rohypnol laced pink lipstick left you very helpless. I have a surprise for you when you wake up. I take a tissue and wipe away the pink lipstick from your lips. Reaching into my purse I pull out a gold tube of lipstick. I pull off the cap and twist the base of the tube. Slowly a deep red shade rotates into view. The deepest, most seductive red shade of lipstick anyone man would die to have grace his lips. Using my compact I slide the lipstick back and forth over my lower lip and then paint a perfect cupids bow across the top. Coat after coat leaving my lips a glossy blood red color. I climb onto the bed as you lay there helpless. Unknowing of what fate I have in store for you. Straddling you I lean down close to your face. My deep red lipstick covered lips inches from your pale lips. But no. I have something else in mind. I lean down and slowly press my lips against your bare chest. Pulling away it reveals a perfect red kiss print above your nipple. I move up to the base of your neck and leave another. Another. My long black hair drapes across your chest and you begin to stir. "Lay still my dear. I'm just getting warmed up." Your eyes slightly open and you gaze up at me in your drugged state. I apply more lipstick and continue leaving my marks across your chest and stomach. Down your thighs and legs. Your calfs and feet. Perfect deep red kiss prints. Inches away from each other they begin to slowly cover your whole body. You begin to stir again. Your eyes rolling back and forth from up in your head. Slowly you are coming out of it. "Well hello handsome. I bet you have one hell of a head ache. " You try to respond but you can't. Your just barely able to keep me in focus. "I hear you've been dumped. Leslie found out about your little affair you've been having with your receptionist. The tissues in your glove compartment from where you've been wiping the lipstick off before you go see her. Damn lipstick. Always getting guys in trouble." I reach for my compact and twist up the crimson color again. "What do you think of this color? I made it myself." I glide it across my lips reloading for what I have planned next. "Now you just lay there and enjoy this." I lean down to the tip of your cock and slowly let it part my lips. I slide my mouth down your shaft fully taking you in. Pulling you back out your cock has a deep red smear on it. "That's not nearly enough." Another long application of my lipstick and I take you in again. Fighting the drugs you begin to squirm. I hold you firmly in place and continue sliding my red wet lips up and down your cock. You begin to twist and shake. Pulling you back out your cock is now stained a shiney crimson color. "Bet you thought I was going to make you come. Nope. I'm the only one having fun tonight." I stand up and look at you as you fight to regain consciousness. "Honey you are a mess. You are almost completely covered in red lipstick. Consider this my present to you. I mean you obviously love lipstick. Your glove compartment was full of tissues used to wipe it off before you would go see Leslie. It wasn't her shade. Whose was it? " You begin to try and put words together. Any kind of lie to get you out of this. "Save your breath honey. It will be a while before you have anything to say. So let me do the talking." I pull the lipstick close to my lips and begin to glide it on slowly in front of you. "I told you I made this lipstick myself. It's very special lipstick. I have several special colors. The pink lipstick I kissed you with when we came up here was laced with a high dose of rohypnol. One kiss and you were down for the count. Pretty impressive huh? But this red lipstick I am especially proud of. It lasts longer than anything out there on the market. I can eat, drink, kiss, make out, and it doesn't come off. Provided I let it set for about ten minutes. After ten minutes it will only come off with the special remover formula I created. Too bad I didn't let it set before I left all these kiss marks on you. And woops, looks like I've been at this for an hour or so. Let's test it." I take your shirt from the floor and begin to rub it across your chest. Your white shirt remains perfectly white as I scrub at the permanent kiss prints. "You see it's kind of like a tattoo. Uh oh. Yep, it's not coming off. You see I thought the next time you try and get it on with a girl and she sees all this, it will act as a warning for her to stay away. Especially from that!" I point at your red lipstick stained cock. "Yeah, I don't think any girls will want to play with that!" I begin to pick up my things and get them together. I disappear from your sight into the bathroom to go get dressed. You can feel your eyes begining to focus better. Your head clears a little from the haze. You lift your head from the pillow and see hundreds of red kiss prints over your entire body. Your head aches and drops back on to the pillow. I enter the room and sit on the side of your bed. My lips glistening a glittery pink. Now here's how this works. I'm going to knock you out again and when you wake up you'll be wearing this." I pull a silver tube of lipstick from my purse and pull off the cap. As I twist the tube a shiney black lipstick rotates into view. "This is called my kiss of death lisptick. It contains a powerful neurotoxin that when left on the lips slowly absorbs through the skin and paralizes every system in your body until you die a slow painful death. It works really good so listen carefully." You begin to twist and pull away. You test your bonds but they are unforgiving. "Hey, listen to me!" I move the black color close to your lips. "Listen to me or I'll give you the kiss of death right now!" I take your chin and move it closer to your lips. Helpless you freeze in terror. "That's better." I set the lipstick on the nightstand. "When you wake up you'll be wearing the black lipstick. It also is permanent but will come off and be harmless if you get the antivenom in time. You have 3 hours to get to the train station down town and use this key to open the locker with this number on it. Inside the locker will be a vial of antivenom. Just enough to remove the permanent black lipstick and save your life. These red kiss prints are yours to keep. But you might here from me from time to time when I need a little extra cash. I may sell you a small vial to remove a few kiss prints from time to time if your a good boy. This in non-negotiable and if you ever piss me off or try to find me I will kill you. Do you understand?" You utter a whisper, "Yes..." I lean down slowly to your face. My glistenting pink lips inches form your lips. You try to pull away but there is no way to escape. I hold you chin firmly in my grip. "let's seal this deal with a kiss...." I press my wet, pink, glittery lips against your lips. Sliding my lips back and forth against yours. The room begins to spin. Your muscles relax. Your eyes grow heavy. Your body fights but is no match. Your eyes close and slip into darkness wondering.........
