Caught in the web of the BLACK WIDOW!

The bright lights of Atlantic City. Fun, gambling and sex. Sometimes all at the same time. This would be the perfect place to ensnare my next victim. I walk into the lobby of the Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort. It was hunting season and the game was on. I walked up to the desk and signed in for a room on the top floor. I never use my real name and I always pay in cash. I check out the security cameras. Thery are all over. This time they see me in my skin tight black leather pants and curve hugging black tube top with little white jewels spelling out the word, "Wanna?". I'm wearing my shiney black boots with the spiked heels pushing me over 5'10". My long black wavy hair drops down to the middle of my back. My skin's on the pale side so I shock them with my jet black designer sunglasses and hot pink lipstick topped with a layer of silver gloss. I open my bag and pay for the room. The clerk asks me if I need help with my bags and three bellman leap towards me eager to assist. "Sorry boys...", I smile. "Traveling lite tonight.", I pass by them touching the bottoms of their chins as I walk by and shooting them a sly smile. I move across the lobby with my key card towards the elevator, content with the attention I'm getting from the men in the room. This was going to be fun. I make my way up to my room and check it out. I enter the bathroom and open my bag. I place a few things on the counter next to the sink. A small bottle of white pills and a couple purse size perfume bottles. I organize my lipstick tubes and glosses. A few shades of pink, a few shades of red. I have an assortment of colors all special. My chemistry background in college didn't just help me in the pharmaceutical research industry develping new drugs. It also help me to make my own cosmetics and perfumes. All created by me with special ingrediants for special needs. Pharmaceutical research was far too boring for someone like me. Besides, I make much more using my skills the way I do rather than making someone else rich. I take off my shades and touch up my black eyeliner. I wipe off my lipstick with a tissue and flush it. Popping the top off my pill bottle I swallow two capsules. These would prevent me from feeling any effects from the makeup I use. I brush my hair and touch up my mascara and eyeshadow. Openning my compact, I take a small pad and put some light powder over my lips. Now for my lipstick. I pop the top off my silver tube and twist the base. An electric pink color rotates into view. I slowly line my upper and lower lips then fill them in with the bright pink frosty color. To add a little more shine I apply some silvery gloss from a tube with an applicator. I lean towards the mirror and turn side to side checking to make sure the color was applied evenly and perfectly. A quick pucker towards the mirror and I'm confident these full luscious lips are now completely irresistable. A touch of my special perfume on my neck, down my top and behind my ears to overwelm their sences. I'm ready. I toss a few things in my purse and it's time to go snag my prey. Once in the lobby I move towards the casino. I grabbed a drink from the bar and made my way through the busy room. Blackjack, slots, and roulette wheels. Booze, gambling, money and men. A target rich environment. It was only a matter of time before I heard a cheer from one of the corner tables. It was a craps table and someone had just won big. I walked over and made my way through the crowd. He was about 35 or 40 in a white jacket and pants. Tanned, built, and completely obnoxious. A regular Don Johnson wanna be. I allowed him to see me check him out as I sipped on my drink. I pulled out some flash money from my purse and placed a bet. I quickly caught the attention of the table, and the dealer announed me as the lady in black. I played a few rounds and lost a few hundred dollars, but he was winning big. I slowly slid down to where we were only a couple people apart. Each time he won the table cheered. "C'mon lucky seven!", he shouted and rolled the dice. "Seven it is!", the dealer anounced as the dice rolled to a stop. He noticed me smiling at him and I turned to leave, "Keep up the good luck!", I said. "Hey...hey wait!", he shouted. "You can't leave! Your bringing me good luck!" Walking over to him I whispered in his ear, "It seemed like you were doing pretty good before I got here." He turned to me, "I'm sure I can do better with you here. C'mon stay a while." I agreed. He was winning roll after roll. We screamed. We shouted. We were jumping up and down together. We made idol chit-chat between rolls and drinks. His name was Eric. He was in Atlantic City for a business convention. He owned his own software company and was being offered big money to sell it. He asked my line of work. I fed him the usual lie. I was a model from New York and was vacationing after a horrible break up from my boyfriend who used to abuse me. Blah, Blah, Blah. The good thing is that he was now more interested in me than his winnings. He told me that he was single, but I quickly noticed the white ring around his finger where his wedding band normally is. He was a perfect target. Time to set the trap. He was up about $33,000 and getting really nervous about his bets. A combination of me distracting him and the alcohol in his drinks. The dealer turned to him and said, "Place your bet sir." Eric looked at me. I gazed at him and moved in close, inches away from his face. I brought my silvery pink lips close to his, then whispered in his ear, "Are you feeling lucky?" "Oh yeah!", he shouted. "Then go for it!", I pressed my body agaist his holding his ass and pulling him towards me tight. He turned and looked at the chips and then back at me. "All of it?", he asked. "All of it Eric. Go for it...", I said. I took my left hand and placed it under his chin and pulled his lips close to mine. I gently kissed him slowly moving my lips around his, letting my glossy lips envelop him. I break from the kiss and look at him passionately, "For luck." He turned from me and faced the dealer. He used the back of his hand and wiped the lipstick from his lips leaving nothing but little smears of glitter. That pissed me off. "Hey! Don't wipe away your luck Eric!", I joked with him. "Sorry. It looks better on you though.", he added "Oh yeah?", I reach into my purse and pull out my lipstick and compact. I open the lipstick and slowly paint my lips electric pink in front of him. The dealer interrupts us, "Your bet sir?" "All of it! Thirty three grand! Let it ride!", he shouted. By now I was applying an ultra thick coating of silvery gloss over my vibrant pink lips. Eric was torn between watch me and the other bets on the table. I dropped my lipstick, gloss and compact back into my bag and turned to present myself to Eric. He blew on the dice and rubbed them in his hand. "You need eleven to win sir. ", the dealer announced. I stood beside him and put my arms around him as he looked up to the heavens praying for a win. He tossed the dice and they rolled almost in slow motion down the table... a six... and a five. "Eleven's a Winner", The dealer shouts. Eric raises his arms in triumph and turns towards me. I grab his face with both hands and kiss him long and hard. I kiss him over and over. Time passes. I just let my silvery pink lipstick slide back and forth over his lips. Sticky, wet, long, passionte. I break from the kiss and he stares at me in a daze. "Wow. Your're amazing.", he says under his breath. I smile at him, "Your right about that. But you were wrong about one thing." "What's that?", he asked. "My lipstick looks good on you too.", I laughed. He brings the back of his hand to his lips to wipe it off but I stop him and kiss him again. Long, slow, meaningful. I whisper in his ear, "...want more?" He looks at me in passion, "Definately.", he says. "Then cash out and come upstairs with me." He quickly grabs a porter and they take his chips to the counter and they proceed to count his winnings and cash him out. I take this opportunity to redo my lips again with electric pink and siver gloss. I spray a little more perfume on my neck, down my shirt and behind me ears. A little heavier this time. Eric approaches with a small black case and I ring for the elevator. He walks up and I wrap my arms around him and give him a huge hug. "Wow! You were great! I've never seen such luck.", I said to him. "Thanks. God, you smell great.", he says. "Thanks. My perfume. Like it?", I ask. "Love it", the elevator doors slide open and we step inside. The scent of my freshly applied perfume fills the elevator. I push the button for my floor and quickly close the door so no one else can come in. I turn to Eric who stares at me now with a slightly glassy eyed look. He stands there in his white jacket and pants. I can see he's aroused by the buldge in his pants. I step to the opposite side of the elevator car and pull out my compact and check my makeup. I fluff up my hair and purse my lips in the mirror. I drop it into my bag and again look at Eric. "Eric. You're wearing almost as much lipstick as I am.", I smiled. He laughs, "Bet I look pretty silly. But you wouldn't let me wipe it off." I take my hand and raise it pointing at him and then motioning with my curling finger for him to come to me, "Actually it looks really good on you. Sexy as a matter of fact." I slide my hand down his waist and onto the buldge in his pants, grabbing at his cock, "Want more?" I slowly bring my lips close to his. I bring them closer and closer almost ready to touch. The elevator doors slide open. "Guess you have to wait.", I smile. I take his hand and lead him to my room. I reach in my purse and swipe my card in the door. We step inside and I place the do not disturb sign on the door. I close it behind us and lock the locks and slide on the chain. "Don't want you getting away.", I said. I move to the end of the bed. Eric follows me. I stand in front of him and take his case and set it on the dresser. I slip his jacket off his shoulders and toss it on a chair. "Your the kinda girl Momma worned me about aren't you?", he asked in a light voice taking in what was happening. I reach down and undo his belt and pull his pants down around his anlkes and bend back up to look at him deeply in the eyes. "You have no idea.", I said in a devilish manner. I slowly unbutton his shirt and slip it off him. I pull from under my tube top and slip it off over my head and shake my long black hair letting it fall to one side. I take his hands and place each one on my tits. "Do you like these Eric?" ,I asked. "Oh yes.", he answered. I took his hands and placed them on my ass. "Do you like this ass Eric? Isn't it perfect?", I asked. "Totally perfect", he answerd. "Look at my lips Eric. Are these the sexiest lips you've ever seen in your life?", I asked. "Yes... Incredibly sexy.", he answered. "Do you want to kiss me?", I asked. "Yes.", he moved his lips close to mine, but I leaned back. "Your not afraid of my lipstick are you?", I asked. "No.", he said. "Then kiss me Eric.", I told him. He leaned over and gently kissed me. I immediately turned the gentle kiss into a wild passionate near violent kiss. Letting my lips circle his. Sliding my lips back and forth over his. His lips turned bright pink with silver sparkles all over them. I break from the kiss, "I'll be right back. Get undressed and on the bed." He sat down and quickly removed his shoes and the pants that were down around his ankles. I moved into the bathroom and pulled off my boots and took off my leather pants. I slipped off my thong and proceeded to use a tissue to wipe away the smeared pink lipstick from my lips. I open my purse and take out my silver tube. I pop the top and slowly slide the pink lipstick over my bottom lip and then across my top. A few strokes and my lips are a bright, electric pink again. I twist off the top off my lipgloss and pull out the applicator. I swipe the silvery gloss across my bottom lip and then across the top leaving them incredibly shiney. They sparkled in the lights. I take my small bottle of perfume and spray my neck, behind my ears, and then a quick spray between my tits and on top of each nipple. This was it. Time for the K.O. I opened the door and turned the corner to the bedroom. Eric lay there on the bed naked, eagerly waiting my return, hard as a rock. I climb onto the bed and over on top of him and sit on him. I lean down with one hand on each side of his shoulders and let my long black hair drape down over him. I noticed he had wiped the smeared lipstick off his lips. "Where did my lipstick go Eric?", I asked. "I wiped it off. But it looks like you have more for me?", he smiled in anticipation. "I told you I think it looks good on you.", I said. Eric lifts his head to kiss me but I lean back. "Nope. None for you. You'll just wipe it off again.", I scolded him. "Come on..", he reached up again. "Nope. Not yet,", I told him. I leaned up a little further so that my tits were right in his face. I lowered myself on top of him letting my left nipple touch his lips. "Kiss this first", I told him. He slowly kissed my nipple and moved his tounge in littled circles around it. "Mmmm... you smell so good. Taste even better.", he whispered. I lean up and let my right nipple slowly lower to his lips and he begins to kiss it and lick it. "Oh Eric. That feels soooo good.", I said. After a minute or so I move back down in front of him. My lips inches away from his. "Eric. Do you want me to kiss you now?", I asked. "Oh yeah baby. Kiss me now.", he asked. "I'll get my frosty pink lipstick all over your lips. Are you sure?", I ask. "Yes. Please kiss me now.", he begs. I slowly lean down and place my lips to his. I begin to kiss him slowly at first then more and more wild. My thick, creamy, pink, glittery lipstick all over his mouth. His grip on my arms begin to tighten as we kiss more and more passionately. I slide my lips back and forth over his and circling his mouth with them. His lips take on a bright pink glittery color as I continue to kiss him. His grip begins to loosen. He begins to try and move his head away but I slide my hands to each side of his face to continue the kiss. His breathing grows heavier and heavier as I refuse to break the kiss. His eyes open and he see me staring down at him. He tries to push me off of him but by now his muscles won't listen as the drugs take effect. His grip on me weakens as he fights to stay awake. He looks up at me helplessly through his glassy eyes. He blinks several times as I continue kissing him violently. Finally his eyes roll up back in his head and he falls unconscious. I slow my kissing down. His breathing has shallowed. I bite at his bottom lip a little and he doesn't respond. He's mine. I lean back and look down at him. He lay there completely knocked out covered in pink lipstick. The combination of the hypnotic sedative in my perfume and the Rohypnol in my lipstick had layed him out. I move to the window and cut the cord from the curtains. I return to the bed and securely bind each wrist to a bed post. I tie his ankles together and then place more cord around his neck and tie each end to the bed frame. He's not going anywhere. I walk to the bathroom and wipe the lipstick from my lips with a tissue. I pick up a bronze tube from my collection and open the top. I twist the base and slowly a deep red lipstick rotates into view. I lean towards the mirror and carefully apply it to my bare lips. The deep red color glides on and with several strokes now glistens in the light. Leaving the cap off the lipstcik I return to my prey tied up on the bed. I lean down to his face and kiss him hard on the cheek. Eric doesn't move. I pull back to see a prefect bold red lip print on his cheek. I lean over and kiss his other cheek. Then his neck. I apply my lipstick again and continue my artwork leaving deep red kiss marks all over his body. I apply again and take his cock in my hand. I kiss the top off it and then take him in leaving multiple rings around it. I begin to put the cap on the lipstick, but I'm feeling extra devilish tonight. I take a tissue from the bathroom and wipe the pink lipstick from his lips. I then take the deep red lipstick from the bronze tube and masterfully paint his lips a deep bold red. "There. Lets see you wipe that off.", I said. Eric lay there unconscious, tied to the bed, and covered in lipstick marks. Not to mention perfectly applied red lipstick on his lips. I tossed my lipstick back in my bag and began to gather my things from the bathroom. I open his wallet and go through his things. Credit cards, cash, a few checks, and the family picture. Eric was married. Cute little blonde cheerleader type. And Eric has two kids. Even better. I pick up his cell phone and flip through his contacts. This will come in handy. Oh look, it's a camera phone. I push the camera button and snap a few shots of him laying there in his bliss and then a few head shots too. I empty his pockets and find his wedding band. I take the band and slip it back on his finger where the tan mark was. I walk to the dresser and open up his case. Ahh... It's great dealing in cash. I didn't want to take the time to count but there had to be almost forty grand in there. Not bad. But Eric was going to be worth a whole lot more than that. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower and re-did my makeup and pink lipstick. I got dressed and returned to see Eric still sound asleep. Time for a little shopping. I returned to Erics bedside and leaned over him. I sprayed a shot of my perfume over his head and watched the tiny droplets land on his face. "Eric. Can you hear me?" "Eric wake up!", I slapped his cheek. His eyes struggled to focus on me. "Good boy. Wake up. I know. Lots of sleepy in those eyes, but I need you to listen for a couple minutes.", I said to him. He went to move his head but found it securely tied to the bed frame. He pulled his hands and found himself helpless. "There.. there Eric. Your stuck. Your helpless. In other words... your mine.", I said in a sharp tone. "I knocked you out with this pink lipstick I'm wearing. Don't remember huh? That would be the amnestic affect of my perfume. But here you are none the less.", I stood up looking down at him. He struggled to talk but could barely put words together while still feeling the effects of the drugs. "That's not all Eric. Look.", I opened up my compact and showed him his refelction in the mirror. "The red lipstick your covered with and wearing on your lips is a special lipstick I created that never comes off. Unless of course I decide to give you some of the removing agent. But you have to be a good boy if you want to ever get rid of that lipstick or I'll leave it on you forever. Allow me to demonstrate.", I open my bag and take out a small bottle of the remover and a tissue. I rub the plain tissue on one of the kiss prints on his forearm. "See Eric. It's permanent lipstick. A lovely shade, but kinda looks silly on you." I take the remover and dab a little on the tissue and again rub at the same print on his arm. The red comes off on the tissue. "See. So there is hope for you Eric. but you have to obey me or your wife, kids, and business contacts will be getting some interesting pictures from your camera phone. Not to mention you'll be wearing red lipstick for the rest of your life.", I show him his phone and the pictures. Tears begin to form in his eyes. I lean down to his side. "It's ok. You'll be fine.", I say in a kind caring voice. I change my tone, " But don't you dare fuck with me or I will kill you." I reach into my bag and pull out a black tube of lipstick. I pop off the top and twist the bottom. A deep black shade twists into view from the bottom of the tube. "I call this my black widow lipstick.", I move it close to his lips. He tries to move his head but the more he struggles the tighter the knot gets around his neck. He stares at in terror. "You see this lipstick contains a deadly nero-toxin that paralizes whoever I kiss with it. It paralizes your muscles so you can't move and then it paralizes your respiratory system and you sufficate to death. Trust me Eric it's not pretty. One kiss and your dead. It would be even quicker if I just applied it your lips. And you are pretty helpless right now.", I move the tip of the back lipstick to his bottom lip and he pulls in fear. I pull it away and put the cap on. "But we're not going to have to do that are we?" "nnnn no.", he struggled to get a word out. "Good. Here's what happens. Your going to give me your ATM codes and I am going to take your cash and credit cards. I'm going to do a little shopping. Actually Eric, I'm going to do alot of shopping. Lots of nice stores around here. I'm going to knock you out again with my knockout lipstick. If I have a wonderful day and I'm not interupted by the authorities, I come back, untie you, and you wake up with enough removing agent to wipe it all off - With a little scrubbing. If anything happens to me while I'm gone, room service finds you and your lipstick is permanent forever. If you do anything to fuck me over, I come back, and it's the kiss of death for you Eric.", I pull back out my black lipstick from my purse and show it to him. "Do you take me seriously Eric?", I ask. "Yes. Just don't kill me please...", he begs. "Good boy", I drop the black lipstick back in my purse. I get him to give me his ATM codes and then I rip the phone cord from the wall. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I lay here tied to the bed. How did she do this to me. My wrists are tied tightly to the bed posts. If I try to move my head and the knot around my neck just gets tighter and tighter. God, please let me get through this. I can hear her in the bathroom. I can still smell...taste her perfume. It's almost intoxicating. I'm wearing lipstick. Permanent lipstick! I have to get out of this and get this stuff off. My wife can never find out about this. Shit! I can't go to the cops. She'll ruin me with those pictures. She has my ID. She knows where I live. She knows all my phone numbers. She'll probably blackmail me for the rest of my life. Shit! She's coming back. I wish I had the strength to scream. But she'd kill me. Fuck. She's back! She sits down on the edge of the bed next to me. She leans down. She has on that pink lipstick again. That's the stuff that made me pass out. "Please don't kiss me.", I beg. She leans down inches away from my face. "Time to go back to sleep Eric.", she smiles. She leans down closer. Her shiney pink lips are getting closer and closer. I can't move. "Please don't.....", I mumble, then she kisses me on the lips. "No. Stop!", I try to yell, but I can't fight her. She's to strong. She kisses me. I can feel the slippery lipstick cover my mouth. I can taste it. I can't stop her. I'm too weak. She kisses me harder and harder. I can't stop her. My mind is getting foggy again. I can't fall back asleep. No.... mmm... please.... no.... uhh... ... ........ The end???
